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Posted: 2018-02-21 14:36:10

No thinking involved

What were the producers of Think Tank thinking? Didn't they know that the entertaining and highly enjoyable format of their show would only cause the whingers to be dreadfully upset. Likewise, the producers of The Checkout. Can't have people being informed about their consumer rights in a humorous, entertaining manner, now can we. Someone might complain. Oh I forgot, they already have!
Leslie-John Newman, Ascot Vale

Unsporting behaviour

Not only do we have to put up with the raucous and partisan commentating of the pair who cover the lumpy downhill events in Seven's Winter Olympics coverage, but we have to live in hope that events we want to see are actually going to be shown. So far I haven't seen any cross-country events on either channel but find that I have to live stream them via my computer on to my TV, which I can do if I can find out when they're on. Seven's management and presentation of the PyeongChang Olympics leaves a lot to be desired.
Anthony J. Whitmarsh, Viewbank

Front Bar gets it right

It has been a sheer delight to have the fellas back for The Front Bar: Winter Edition. This is how comedy on television used to be, and should be, produced: punchy, informative, a little bit irreverent and light-hearted without getting political or polemical, and with minimal profanity. The blend of personalities and pre-prepared gags is testimony to the fact that visual entertainment doesn't need to be over packaged and scripted to the point of banality.
Peter Waterhouse, Craigieburn

Slam dunk

Congratulations to SBS and ABC for showing games from the Australian National Basketball League. I have started watching basketball again after a break of several years and have been very impressed with how skilful and fast today's game is. I've a strong feeling that the sport is about to take off again after being in the doldrums for some time.
Neil Burdess, Warrnambool

An American dream

Great to see Planet America back, bigger than ever (ABCNews, Friday, 9pm). Essential viewing for anyone interested in USA politics and Trump's latest antics. Knowledgeable guests, John Barron is erudite and Chas still presents great data in graphical form. One pedantic point Chas – suppressing the zero on the vertical scale distorts the message! Other than that, top marks!
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South

"Bias" causes conflict 

I have noted consistent anti-Israeli bias of the SBS news items in the way that it handles incidents. For example, recently, the SBS news had a piece that stated that two  Palestinians had been shot by Israeli soldiers. SBS conveniently "forgot" to mention that these shootings were carried out in response to these same Palestinians having  knifed Israelis. Also, in the promo to the news, it was stated, "Israeli soldiers kill two Palestinians". Surely, the promo should have been that two Palestinians had knifed Israelis and the Israel soldiers responded. The ABC reported the incident in its correct context.
Louis Roller, Fitzroy North

Mad for Micallef

The Mad in Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell (ABS) is all encompassing, from the incandescent rants of Darius Horsham to the loopy restful sputterings of parliamentary advisor Dolly Norman, who looks like she's escaped from a home for the bewildered.

John O'Hara, Mount Waverley

New hosts are a joy

As a middle-aged rusted-on ABC listener, I feel someone has to say something positive about Sami and Jacinta in the breakfast slot and I'm happy to be that person. Cheerful, friendly, with laugh-out-loud moments, they get the day off to a good start. It's also great that Richelle Hunt now has her own show – very well deserved.  Change can be good!
Loz Harris, Merricks 

Seeing Red

My family and friends are having withdrawal symptoms since Red's departure. He was like a drug and we have been addicted to his wit, intellect and cheek for the past 15 years. We have stopped listening to 774 breakfast. Find Red and bring him back and we'll all be well again. Living in hope!
Roger Christiansz, Wheelers Hill

Feeling blue about the planet

 The Blue Planet II episode One Ocean was superb! David Attenborough wants everyone to, firstly, wonder at the beauty and ingenuity of ocean life and, secondly, worry about the destructive consequences from global warming to the crucial role of oceans in keeping our planet healthy.  Who didn't ache for the mother walrus with baby as she searched for a non melting ice rest place? 
Barbara Fraser, Burwood

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