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Posted: 2018-02-21 06:23:12

"There's gonna be a lot of fireworks," says the MAFS expert with the K-Pop hair, as the couples reunite for their first dinner party since last week's cheating bombshell.

It's an understatement. In one of the show's most explosive episodes, everyone cops a grilling – although one of the guiltier parties somehow evades the hot seat.

Entertainment news highlights

Frances McDormand beats Margot Robbie for BAFTA award, Paul Burrell shuts down Prince Harry's parentage rumours and Married at First Sight's cheating scandal takes another turn.

But even before the dinner party starts, our most dramatic couples are dealing with some lingering fallout.

The morning after Ashley's rainy storm-out, Troy is all alone. Later, we learn he's been waiting for her return, standing at his front door with flowers in hand, for three whole days.

When she finally gets back, he tells her he still "sees hope" in their relationship. Dude, she made you shave your floppy hair-part, you're allowed to rage.

Davina, meanwhile, continues her sociopathic streak. Even after Ryan's rousing 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn'-esque retort to her rekindling pleas, she still thinks there's a chance. She even cooks him a meal.

"Chicken and veggies isn't gonna bloody sort out f---ing cheating on you with somebody else," he says, and passive-aggressively douses ketchup all over her avocado/grains goop.

Of course, the couple's dinner party showdown with Dean and Tracey is looming – and it's not just viewers fizzing with anticipation.

The vote's unanimous – neither of the other couples are keen on greeting Dean and everyone's hoping Tracey "grew a brain" in the intervening week and dumped his arse (it's safe to say she probably lost a bit more of it during that rap serenade from DJ Visionz).

The producers leave the foursome to a late entrance, allowing the others some quiet time to shit-talk.

"You can't get that sort of respect back," says a ready-to-rage Sarah. "Once it's gone, it's fatal."

Nasser's even more forceful. "If you did that in my country," he says about Dean's actions, "you'd get your legs broken."

You're hot air. Everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit


With each boozy sip, the testosterone around the room spikes. There's a bruising brewing, and the guests of honour haven't even arrived.  

Enter Davina. She wastes no time "building up some collateral" with the other female guests, palming off all responsibility for the cheating fiasco to Dean before he arrives to defend himself.

"I was worried I was going to come out looking like a homewrecker... But why is it always the women that get the blame?" she says.

Generally, targeting the patriarchy is a safe bet – we all know those dating double standards exist – but coming from Davina's lips it elicits eyerolls.

When Tracey and Dean finally walk in holding hands, the room stands still. Dean tries a bro-ey "How are you?" with Ryan. "F--- off," says Ryan in return.  

The show's producers deserve some sort of award. They seat the duelling duo opposite each other at the dinner table, literally forcing them to face off.

It's not long before the bickering builds, with Sean getting things going by blatantly asking Dean whether he's apologised to Ryan for moving on his wife.

"Ryan won't even look me in the eye, how can I apologise?" says Dean. "What have I even done to [him], anyway?"

"You went behind his back," Sean offers helpfully.

"No I didn't," Dean replies, before dropping a far-out bombshell.

"Ryan told me that Davina liked me and that he had no problem with her pursuing me... and he actually encouraged me to hook up with her," he says.

Ryan's face screws into a swirl. "He's lost the plot, trying to palm it off to me," he says. "You're off your tits, you can piss off."

Years ago he would've "had a crack", Ryan says, but he's not on the show to "have a blue with dickhead Dean", so he swaps seats up the table.

Davina's having a ball not being in the hot seat. She tries to put a pin in the negative energy by telling everyone to calm down unless they want a "fistfight".

Cue to Nasser jumping up and down the table yelling, "I'll take a fistfight! I'll take a fistfight!"

Nasser, that bundle of rock band-ripping off (allegedly) energy, has opinions he's not afraid to share with Tracey.

"You should leave this prick," he tells her.

"You're judging me for that?" she replies. "You think people like him don't change?"

"Nah he trashed you, mate," says Nasser. "Leave this prick."

Being painted as a victim doesn't sit well with Tracey. Turning to Dean, she finally gets loud.

"Honey, I'm gonna call it. Stop focusing on them and start focusing on me," she tells Dean after he gripes over Ryan's snub.

Heading down the table to Charlene and the others, Tracey reveals that she'd forced Dean to cough up his phone and expose the "filthy, sexual" text convos he'd shared with Davina, confirming that Davina instigated the adulterous exchange.

She also recalls the "I'm gonna make you feel the consequences" ultimatum she gave Dean, earning a supportive "Damn, sister!" from Charlene.

In an atypically badass move, she also suggests Dean make a toast in her honour to the whole group, and apologise to Ryan and Davina.

"F--- off, not interested," says Ryan. "You've got nothing to say, you're hot air. Everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit."

Somehow, there's another emotional storyline going on at this manic dinner party.

Troy, who's been non-stop trashed by partner Ashley, finds a comforting ear – and the show hints, probably much more – in Carly, who's been at the dinner solo 'cause her dude's late from his soft serve machinery "Oscars" in Milan.

"To me, it looks like you are putting in a lot of effort and I'm not sure you're getting it reciprocated," she tells him.

"I feel like me and Carly are on the same page," Troy later adds. "Her husband doesn't give her any attention, so I think she understands what I'm going through."

Charlene might be loudly pooh-poohing partner-swapping, but I think we can all get behind this one.

Dean, whose been niggling the night away, tries some friendly small-talk with pal Telv. It backfires.

"I'm a pretty good judge of character... and I believe that you are a cockhead," Telv tells Dean rather abruptly, before storming off with the threat of fisticuffs.

With Dean understandably shunned by the rest of his castmates, the experts ponder why Davina hasn't been grilled yet.

"Someone has to say something to Davina about her part in this, surely that will happen tonight?" the spiky one (aka John Aiken) says forebodingly.

Cue Tracey in godmother guise.

The two retreat to a quiet nook to hash it out, with Davina once again shifting the blame to Dean. In another psychotic jaunt, she also takes a hit at Tracey – in the middle of what's supposed to be an apology for trying to steal her man.

"So you think it's a good quality in someone: to sleep with someone that morning and then say 'leave'? You see that as someone you want to be with?" Tracey asks, chasing some accountability.

"No," replies Davina. "But you obviously did 'cause you're still with him."

After an episode of fireworks, the biggest explosion might've been the one in Tracey's head after that dig.

"I expected her to be grovelling to me, and I got the opposite," she says. "This is BS."

Someone give this episode a Logie already.

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