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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!

Posted: 2015-04-02 01:07:59

business, handshake, meetingAustralian retail entity, Winning Group, has appointed Peter Harris, as its chief relationship officer, effective immediately.

Harris will move from his role as COO at Winning’s subsidiary, Appliances Online. In his new role, he will be responsible for the relationship management practice for key stakeholders, and will oversee the Group’s communications, customer experience, and service functions..

John Winning, CEO of Winning Group, said relationships have always been an integral part of business, however in today’s day and age, retailers need to dedicate greater attention to building and maintaining more meaningful relationships with key stakeholders.

“Exceptional service is the foundation for Winning Group’s successful hundred year history however at the core of this service offering is long standing relationships. People are at the centre of everything we do and this is reflected in the way we treat our staff, customers and our suppliers,” said Winning.

“As well as being the first person I employed to help build Appliances Online up from the ground, Peter is also a close friend who grew up around my family. His knowledge of Winning Appliances’ history and the appliance industry is second to none and this experience and industry insight will be hugely beneficial for Winning Group’s operations with key stakeholders,” he said.

Harris said he’s excited for the new role and is looking forward to using his knowledge of the industry to help position the Group for further growth.

“Whether it’s customers, staff, suppliers or partners, the connection between strong meaningful relationships and successful business practice is undeniable. Having worked in the appliance industry for the last decade I am looking forward to strengthening our relationships with key stakeholder and positioning the Group for further growth,” he said.

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