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Posted: 2015-01-12 04:22:00
Actress Keira Knightley at the Golden Globes. Her face is perfection, but the dress ...

Actress Keira Knightley at the Golden Globes. Her face is perfection, but the dress ... Source: Supplied

I loved her in The Imitation Game. I loved her in Anna Karenina. I loved her in Never Let Me Go. I love her face, I love her teeth, if I knew her personally I’m sure I would love her soul.

What I don’t love? Her outfit at the Golden Globes.

When she stepped out in a frilly, butterfly-print Chanel number with a matching butterfly corsage, my heart broke, just a little. When I heard it took 30 people a week to make it, I was astonished.

A butterflied Knightley at the Golden Globes.

A butterflied Knightley at the Golden Globes. Source: Getty Images

But Keira, don’t be dismayed: on this occasion, you’re not alone in your Golden Globes gaffe. Here are five other stars who should let their stylists go:

1. Lana Del Rey

This dress was Born to Die.

This dress was Born to Die. Source: AFP

2. Salma Hayek

Wedding or Golden Globes?

Wedding or Golden Globes? Source: AFP

3. Melissa McCarthy

Who told her a sparkly bow and a ruffled skirt was a good idea?

Who told her a sparkly bow and a ruffled skirt was a good idea? Source: AFP

4. Kerry Washington

Shiny denim and red heels?

Shiny denim and red heels? Source: Getty Images

5. Kristen Wigg

Is that you under there, Kristen?

Is that you under there, Kristen? Source: Getty Images

More: Everything you need to know about the Golden Globes

More: JLO steals the show
More: Ryan Seacrest’s red carpet blunder

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