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Posted: Tue, 29 May 2018 05:59:02 GMT

SCHAPELLE Corby has revealed the cheeky message she wrote on the incoming passenger card on her flight to Australia from Bali one year ago today.

The convicted drug smuggler shared the document on Instagram to mark the anniversary of her return home, after almost 13 years behind bars and on parole in Bali.

Most of her answers to the questions were standard — the country she boarded the flight (Indonesia), her nationality and her birth date.

But when asked “What is your usual occupation?” Ms Corby wrote “Human football”.

The post was inundated with messages of support from followers who congratulated her on her one year of freedom in Australia.

“One year already?!! Hope u have settled in to normal life!” one person wrote.

Another wrote: “Glad you finally made it home Schaps, hope you’ve enjoyed your first year back on Aussie soil.”

Ms Corby, 40, returned home on a Malindo flight from Bali to Brisbane last year.

Since then, she released a pop song — to mixed reviews — and passed her final driver’s test.

She also sat down with Woman’s Day in March for her first media interview since leaving Bali.

Ms Corby spoke about her thoughts about motherhood, her struggles with weight loss and how much she was enjoying life back at home.

“I just live day by day,” she said.

“I’m just happy to be alive. I’m going to cry … I’m just so happy to be alive.”

Ms Corby was convicted of smuggling cannabis into Indonesia in May, 2005 after the drugs were found in her boogie board bag.

She was sentenced to 20 years in Bali’s Kerobokan Prison by the Denpasar District Court.

After a failed appeal, Ms Corby petitioned Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for clemency due to mental illness.

She was later released on parole in February, 2014, before being deported from Indonesia and returned to Australia on May 27, 2017.

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