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Posted: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 05:59:01 GMT

A NEWLYWED couple have been slammed for setting up a crowd-funding appeal to pay for a second honeymoon after they claimed their first was ruined by a hotel flea infestation.

Sarah and Sam Davey hoped to raise £300 ($550) for a fresh getaway following their stay at the Trecarn Hotel in Torquay, Devon, UK, The Sun reported.

One poster wrote: “What a bleddy cheek. I’d love a holiday, but you won’t see me begging for one #shouldbeashamed.”

Another said: “Good grief, it beggars belief. Anyone believing this rubbish and thinking of donating must be close to insanity.”

In their online appeal the couple blasted the hotel, writing: “The room was dirty there were hairs in our bed and my husband has been bit all over his body by fleas and after numerous complaints they have done nothing.

“So we had to leave on Tuesday morning and come home five days early because they ruined our honeymoon.

“I was told by a few people to set up a Go Fund Me page to see if we could get help to have an actual honeymoon. Please don’t judge or be nasty, all we’re asking for is some help.”

Sam, 30, a labourer from Devon, has five children with 34-year-old Sarah, a full-time mum.

They left Leah, 13, Toni, 11, Lucy, 9, Lennon, 4, and Max, 1, at home when they went away to celebrate their recent wedding.

Sam said: “It was worse than Fawlty Towers, if it was a bit like that we wouldn’t have minded.

“We had a bad honeymoon from the moment we got to the hotel.”

The pair have been refunded $330 of the $480 cost of the break.

Lee Jones, area manager for Britannia Hotels — the group which owns the Trecarn Hotel — said: “With regards to the claim of fleas/bed bugs, all our beds undergo a thorough program of treatments and checks throughout the year and we have received no previous complaints of this nature as this is something that would be acted upon immediately, with necessary steps being taken.

“A refund of moneys for the remaining days not being availed of was issued as no member of staff or management should be subjected to disrespectful language and behaviour from any guest.”

The fundraising appeal has now been withdrawn.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been republished here with permission.

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