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Posted: 2018-03-08 12:45:04

But this is no ordinary time. This government’s long slump in the opinion polls means it would have to defy history to stay in power. Turnbull leads a Coalition with a primary vote of 37 per cent, a dangerous low even though it is better than the dismal results of 34 or 35 per cent last year.

Malcolm Turnbull visits Burwood Girls High on Thursday.

Malcolm Turnbull visits Burwood Girls High on Thursday.

Photo: Nick Moir

Others have survived bad polls, of course. Paul Keating saw Labor’s primary vote fall to 34 per cent in 1992 and he still won the next election, while Howard held on after the Coalition’s primary vote fell to 35 per cent in early 2001.

The key difference is that neither suffered the sustained rejection we see today. The sheer length of this trough is the story. Faced with this history, Turnbull has no reason to gamble on an early election.

The Prime Minister says that he loves his job. Strangely, perhaps, his political plight does not seem to weigh him down. His earlier careers as a barrister, investment banker and investor seem to have prepared him for life on a rollercoaster. Why leave The Lodge early?

“The election will be next year, I can assure you,” he said on Wednesday. “There is no plan, intention or consideration given to doing anything other than having an election at the usual time, which will be in the first half of 2019.”

This gave public voice to what has been the private view within the government for many months. Turnbull naturally wants to avoid the impression he is clinging on too long, but “the usual time” could equally be later this year. An excellent analysis from the Parliamentary Library shows the government could hold a standard election, with half the Senate going to the polls, as early as August 4 this year. This is a function of the Senate, which must go to a half-Senate election after 1 July this year, with August 4 the earliest practical date.

Turnbull’s remarks concede there will be no quick turnaround in the government’s fortunes. Ministers also know this. They believe their leader will do everything to buy time.

Barnaby Joyce has made things worse for the government.

Barnaby Joyce has made things worse for the government.

Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The scenario would have been different with an alternative start to the year. Barnaby Joyce has cost the government months that it could not afford to lose. The revelation of his affair was almost inevitable, so he should have known to prepare for it when he faced a byelection last December. He made things worse at every stage.

Turnbull’s own performance is a challenge. He is derided even when he does well. A crucial factor is that he is not a natural conniver at the brutal politics needed to defeat someone like Bill Shorten, who is routinely underestimated. Turnbull lacks the political cunning that helped Howard win when all seemed lost. Will he listen to wilier colleagues to make up for this gap?

The reshuffle last December means that ministers need time to settle into new jobs. The rancour over the reshuffle, especially among the Nationals, will not end quickly. Turnbull needs stability more than anything, yet he rules at the whim of a party room that offers constant turmoil. We saw this with the endless changes of the Gillard government. A dysfunctional party room means there is so much bickering on the bus that nobody keeps their eye on the road.


Turnbull’s wording this week used the classic formulation of “no plan” for an early election, but he will be tempted to go early if conditions change and he has a chance at winning. Tony Abbott will keep working toward an outcome where Turnbull has to be removed, most likely with Peter Dutton as the conservative champion to take his place. Discontented Liberals will try to repeat last year, only this time with the spill they thought they could engineer last December.

Australians have not had a May federal election since Gough Whitlam won a double dissolution in 1974, but an autumn election was common in the past. Bob Hawke followed the July double dissolution of 1987 with an election on March 24 in 1990. Turnbull could follow the same pattern, if not for the modern era of legislated dates for state elections, including NSW on March 23 next year.

The NSW Liberals would prefer Turnbull to face the polls before Gladys Berejiklian so that voters can take out their wrath on him first, but the Prime Minister is enjoying the job too much to give in to that pressure. The logical move is to call the federal election after the NSW result, with polling day in May.

This may help the government fight on its strong suit, the economy, because it would bring forward the May budget and turn it into a more focused economic statement at the launch of the campaign. Tax cuts would be a big part of the package and the government would have an opportunity to offer a better answer on wages growth. Howard made a strong start to the 2007 campaign with an economic statement and a big tax package.

This means the government has to manage expectations for the coming budget on May 8, which ministers understand will not be a pre-election budget overloaded with sweeteners. While it may have room for personal tax cuts, these may be modest and offered as a down-payment on more substantial changes to come next year.

This is not a clear path to victory. It might be described as a rough track to Turnbull’s least-worst outcome. Nobody defies history easily.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent.

David Crowe

David Crowe is the chief political correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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