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Posted: 2017-11-03 05:17:05

That recent "Last Jedi" TV spot that ran Wednesday during the World Series showed a fairly grim Luke Skywalker. But on Instagram Thursday, the actor who plays him, Mark Hamill, decided to lighten the mood.

Hamill shared a photo of himself in his serious-looking cape and all-brown outfit on the set of the upcoming movie, but posing with multiple porgs, the new oh-so-cute critter from the film. "Wholesome porgnography," he cracked in the Instagram caption.

One porg perches on Hamill's arm, three gather nearby on a stone step and the last one's webbed feet find footing smack on Hamill's hooded head. The cute little creatures have been called the Star Wars equivalent of puffins, though they kind of look like the result of a guinea pig mating with a penguin.

What do you mean, Photoshop? We're not listening. Porgs are real!

In five hours, the photo had earned more than 160,000 likes.

"The Last Jedi" opens Dec. 15.

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