A secret bid to build a high-density development in the middle of a western suburbs anti-highrise heartland has been revealed, six days after the state election and eight days after the government refused to confirm the bid’s existence.
Two days before the election, WAtoday revealed listed property developer Cedar Woods had lodged plans for the development on land near Swanbourne station through the contentious market-led proposals process.
Rita Saffioti refused to confirm the bid before the election.
WAtoday understands the proposal includes up to 300 apartments in a 10-storey development. But public announcements were put on hold until after the election to avoid questions about high-density targets and Labor’s relationships with developers.
Both Cedar Woods and Planning Minister Rita Saffioti refused to confirm any details about the bid last week and, on March 11, Ms Saffioti scoffed at suggestions the company had been given an early indication its bid would be approved.
In an ASX release late on Friday the company confirmed the bid’s existence and that it had progressed to stage two of the process, where it becomes public and a business case is required to be submitted to the government.
Cedar Woods said it had come up with and put the concept of a development near the Swanbourne train station to the government.
Its successful bid now gives it a ‘first mover advantage’ in the process to select a builder for such a development.
“Should both of the baseline due-diligence and masterplan processes confirm development is feasible, the state will invite proponents to express their interest in the development, with the proponent receiving a first-mover advantage in the assessment of proposals,” the Department of Finance said on its website.