This action will still fail if it does not come to pass without the trauma caused by the marriage equality referendum. The language must be ‘‘we’’ rather than ‘‘us and them’’. ‘‘We’’ must recognise that there is benefit in the treaty for non-Indigenous Australians, too.
Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt on Wednesday.Credit:AAP
It must recognise the innate dignity of Indigenous Australians in order to restore the lost dignity of the colonists and their descendants.
I am a white middle-class immigrant from the US who arrived here in 1968 not long after the Australian government belatedly discovered that Indigenous peoples are human beings and must be accorded human rights. But the human rights part still has not happened. Too many Australians are slow learners. It’s time now to stop mucking around and complete the job properly. Justice delayed is justice denied; the process must happen within this Parliament.
I say to the Minister for Indigenous Australians, please do this for me as much as for Indigenous Australians. I need to live in a nation I can be fully proud of, in which I live shoulder to shoulder only with people towards whom I need feel no guilt. Then maybe we can finally sing together with genuine feeling at least the first line, ‘‘Australians all, let us rejoice’’. - Judith Wheeldon, Roseville Chase
Each state is represented by 12 senators regardless of the size of its population. Tasmania has a population of approximately 531,000. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population was estimated to be 798,400 in June 2016 and is expected to pass 900,000 by 2026.
Whatever form the constitutional recognition of the Indigenous voice takes, it should include a legislated number of senators, who are elected by those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, using an Indigenous Voice column added to the standard Senate ballot papers. - Kaye Watkins, Newtown
Politicians are perpetuating the profound dishonesty in Terra Nullius and hunter gatherer falsehoods when they deliberately misinterpret the proposed Indigenous Voice as a third chamber or an interference with Parliament. Truth telling could include a comprehensive school curriculum, equal representation of the massacres in the War Memorial and commemorative statues at every massacre site. I do not know how to address the pain of the brutal social dislocation of Indigenous families, but I would like to see legislation that makes denial of it and the massacres, a crime.
- Anne Eagar, Epping
I view with some cynicism initiatives for a change to the constitution as to its impact on raising the living standards of Indigenous Australians. It appears to be more to placate the political desires of white Australians. If the constitutional change also was coupled with actual change to the living standards, educational outcomes and long-term welfare of Indigenous peoples it would have my full support. - Brendan Manning, North Epping
Recent experience provides a major lesson for those eager for the Indigenous recognition referendum to succeed. Whenever elites get on a hyper-frenzied bandwagon, it is likely to create an opposing reaction from non-belligerents and non-partisans. The success of the Coalition at the federal election against the massive weight of progressive propaganda is an example of how elites can get it wrong. Bullying is the quickest route to a referendum failure. Reasoned persuasion and recognition of alternative views is the only way to go. - Alan Wakeley, Dural
PM’s selective love
I commend the Prime Minister for publicly acknowledging his faith (‘‘PM refuses to keep his faith in a box: Amen to that’’, July 11). But I notice that in his list of needy people, he did not include the hundreds of innocent refugees he is keeping imprisoned on Manus and Nauru, breaking their spirits and their health, simply to use them as a deterrent to anyone who might attempt to come here. Very nice words, Prime Minister, but as Jesus said, ‘‘By their fruits you shall know them.’’ - Maureen Keady, Maroubra
I, no doubt like many others, wonder when the PM’s advice to ‘‘love one another and reach out and love those around you’’ is going to extend to the poor souls for whom he and his government have responsibility and have detained in hell-like conditions for years on Manus and Nauru? - Judith Moore, East Maitland
Floored by warmth
I feel fortunate living in an 1880s mud and straw house which, in freezing Oberon winters, greatly helps maintain the warmth from wood fires. However, the best heated home I have come across here has underfloor heating. I was told by a visiting Canadian friend that most of their houses use this method of heating (Letters, July 10) and she was surprised that it was not used more in this state. I, too, am always very cold staying with family and friends in Sydney. - Mary Tierney-Long, Oberon
Education campaigns can’t neutralise the lure of drugs
Pru Goward has gone to considerable trouble to argue against pill testing of party drugs and to advocate for a program of public education, which may or may not be shown in time to outweigh the pleasure young people find in taking these drugs (‘‘Pill testing is a doubtful distraction – we need a public health campaign’’, July 11). But parents want their children to stop dying now. It is unlikely there will be one solution. If pill testing won’t prevent all deaths, neither will a public health campaign. - Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay
Goward outlines a far more sensible and potentially successful approach to reduce ‘‘recreational drug’’ use. My level of sympathy for festival-goers being harmed by illicit drug use is dwindling – I think there has been enough press coverage of this issue for ‘‘people like us’’ (as Goward puts it) to understand the risks. It is also unfair to expect the festival organisers to provide pill testers and more medical staff to deal with emergencies brought about by risky behaviour – this approach seems to deal with the problem well after the horse has already bolted. - Elizabeth Hadlow, Gymea
Goward says that preventing young people from taking drugs is as simple as graphically explaining the harms these drugs cause. What she doesn’t explain is the illogical mess that makes up our current drug laws. When kids are told that cannabis is dangerous but later realise its much safer than alcohol, this leads to a breakdown in trust. Let’s rebuild this trust and start
by decriminalising drugs that are less harmful than the legal alcohol and cigarettes. - James Powell, Killara
There is a coronial inquiry into drug deaths at festivals (‘‘‘Dr Death’ drug traces found in festival victim: inquest’’, July 11). It’s reported that patrons, including one that died, felt intimidated by police and ingested all their drugs to avoid detection. Mr Tran, who died, was handcuffed for acting erratically. And now the police are attempting to suppress the number of police and sniffer dogs present at the time. One would hope that in such circumstances the police would be absolutely open, so as to understand the problems and try to prevent any further deaths. What exactly are they hiding? - Richard Abram, Bexley
By their very nature and the way they are promoted, these so-called music festivals seem designed to encourage this type of behaviour. They are given mystical sounding names and feature overcrowding, semi-darkness punctuated by flashing lights and a great deal of noise and confusion, a situation tailor-made for drug use. The promoters of these events are well aware of their nature, despite mouthing platitudes abhorring behaviour, which they should know is inevitable. If you remove the drug-den atmosphere you would go a long way to overcoming the problem but sadly, I don’t think that this is what either the promoters or the patrons want. - Ray Hillier, Bayview
It is time we stopped referring to ‘‘party’’ and ‘‘recreational’’ drugs. Just as the term ‘‘king hit’’ has rightly been removed from our lexicon, so too should our reference to these dangerous drugs. Let’s change the narrative! - Anthony Griffiths, Arcadia
Only a royal commission will fix building industry
‘‘We allowed the industry to self-regulate and it hasn’t worked,’’ says the Premier (‘‘Building industry is failing: Premier’’, July 11). And what else, Ms Berejiklian? Land clearing? Banks? Employment? Your neo-liberal ideology is a dud. - Sally Edsall, Rosedale
The Premier is right in saying ‘‘there are too many challenges, too many problems’’. Three of the problems and challenges with self-regulation generally are greed, incompetence and dishonesty. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of the end for self-regulation in NSW. - Geoffrey Williamson, Woollahra
The Herald has identified a multitude of problems requiring a multitude of fixes. The utter collapse of trust in this industry is evident. A royal commission with wide terms of reference would have the capacity to identify problems and solutions. Two-hour meetings in Parliament with a few builders and developers do not have this capability. - Bill Johnstone, Blackheath
The Zetland residential complex evacuated eight months ago, but only reported on now, creates new award categories for the secrecy and censorship of industrial fraud. Well done all tradesmen and labourers who said nothing. And owners, tenants, leasing agents, inspectors, government officials and council officers. All committed to the conspiracy of secrecy aiming to perpetuate the lie that crippled new builds are the exception rather than the rule. - Alex Mattea, Sydney
I would ask the Premier to advise on what basis the government thought is was appropriate for an industry to self-regulate, when there are vital matters of public safety to be addressed. - Philip Fuller, Paddington
Though much of the building approval and certification process has now been privatised, councils still have a duty to monitor the welfare of constituents unfortunate enough to live in defective unit blocks. Opal Tower at Sydney Olympic Park is located in the Parramatta LGA, so it is disturbing the council has denied knowledge of any evacuations in its area. - James Deli, Oatley
In 1998 a colleague who had worked with a major builder of apartments warned me not to buy in those buildings because the workmanship was so shoddy. He said there were typically dozens of defects in every apartment. When he reported them, he was told that if he persisted, he would be fired. He walked. The builder continues to this day. - David Gordon, Cranebrook
No wonder the government is having second thoughts about high-rise schools. - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury
True blue
Thank you, Malcolm Knox, for your excellent report on the third Origin game (‘‘Tension, redemption and a finish to live long in history’’, July 11). Your tongue firmly in cheek, such statements as the traditional ‘‘it was a game of two halves’’ brought a chuckle to those who woke up the next morning still ‘‘glowing Blue’’. To read the article to all the next morning only started spoons and plates being banged on the breakfast table. Thanks again, Malcolm, and yes – it is ‘‘changing the way the Origin story is told’’. - Ken Pares, Forster
As a proud New South Welshman, I write to express my extreme dismay at the degree of parochial triumphalism apparent in the Sydney media reporting of NSW having proven itself to be superior to Queensland in an activity as thuggish and boorish as rugby league. I’m seriously thinking of becoming a Victorian. - Russell Cowell, Glebe
Droning on
We now see large signs on Circular Quay wharf warning ‘‘drone rules apply’’. To whom? Ferry passengers? And why? - Penelope Spence, Neutral Bay
Empty nest
How good is it to drive around Sydney at the moment? - Tony Maunsell, Bellevue Hill
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