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Watch as Better Homes and Gardens shows you how to make DIY card holders that look better than bought! Forget about buying card holders at your local crafting store; instead, create your own DIY crafts using just four supplies. Small notes make perfect additions to floral centerpieces, too. To make a card holder, you'll need wire snips, 18- or 20-gauge wire, a wooden spoon, and needle nose pliers. Cut about an 18-inch piece of the wire to begin your place card holders, then roll one end of the wire around the handle of the wooden spoon three or four times. Remove the wire from the spoon and, using the needle nose pliers, bend the cut edge of the wire into the circle. Stretch and straighten the wire out for these place card ideas then tuck any number of DIY cards in between the loops. Simply stick the opposite end into your table centerpiece ideas for an instant upgrade. Allow these place card ideas to translate into other craft ideas as well, and see how many ways you can use this DIY craft to create a lively setting for your next get-together!
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