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Angelina Jolie Launches Global Action for Children, an Advocacy Organization Dedicated to Orphans and Childrens Issues
Washington, DC: April 26, 2007 —Angelina Jolie appeared at a press conference today to announce the formal launch of Global Action for Children (GAC). GAC is a nonpartisan advocacy organization focused on increasing funding by $2.5 billion per year by the US government for programs that support orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and provide free primary school education in developing countries.
GAC was formed in 2003 as a campaign organized by faith-based, nongovernmental and student organizations dedicated to OVC and the communities that care for them. GACs unique strength lies in the diversity of its partners and allies and its ability to mobilize a broad range of constituencies to advocate for children. Todays announcement by Ms. Jolie marks the establishment of GACs new headquarters in Washington, DC, and formalization of the organization, and staffing.
The press conference followed meetings between Ms. Jolie and GAC Executive Director Jennifer Delaney and senior officials at the U.S. Department of State to discuss policies and funding that will support OVC programs and access to education.
Ms. Jolie said, "The numbers associated with this problem are staggering. It is overwhelming and the scale of the problem seems to give many an excuse for inaction. In many ways it is better to think of these children one by one - each deserving of our care and attention, each being of equal value, and each being a test of whether justice - or injustice - will prevail"
Speakers joining Ms. Jolie and Ms. Delaney at the press conference included Rev. Mpho Tutu, Chairperson of the Global AIDS Alliance Board, and director of the Tutu Institute; Gene Sperling, Director of the Center on Universal Education at the Council on Foreign Relations; Kay Warren, Executive Director of Saddleback Churchs HIV/AIDS Initiative, and wife of Pastor Rick Warren.
Jennifer Delaney, Executive Director of GAC added, "Angelina Jolie is a global leader on children issues. We are thrilled to have her as the honorary chairperson of the GAC Board. Her support of GAC helps us to ensure that orphans and vulnerable children in developing countries and the communities that care for them get the support they need."
GAC and Angelina Jolie also issued a call to the American public to encourage the US government to support orphans now and educate all kids for the future by calling 1-888-731-KIDS. For more information please visit