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In the last hairstyling video we showed you the four strand braid hairstyle. Four strand braid is difficult. But what about a five strand braid? Hairstyling expert Khampui demonstrates a five strand braid hairstyle. The braid is placed diagonally. But you can also wear this braid vertically or you can start this braid from the nape area also. After finishing the braid it has been spun around to make a bun. You can get all creative in making the bun. How about trying a rose bun?
Expert's Tip
You need a 3 hands to do this hairstyle. Get a friend to help you
Hair Stylist - Khampui Thaimei
Shot at Pearl Academy Noida (
Audio Credit :
Youtube - Creation Tools - Audio library - Track - The Engagement
Title - The Engagement
Contributing Artists - Silent Partner
Album - Youtube Audio Library