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Blackheads & Whiteheads - Causes, treatments, and remedies.
Dr Sirisha Singh (
Blackheads and whiteheads are a common skin problem and a very stubborn one. They just refuse to go away. A very common but temporary remedy is to extract them. But what do dermatologists say?
Blackheads are open hair follicles while whiteheads are closed hair follicles. They are caused by hormonal changes and are common during adolescence and menstrual periods.
Whiteheads and blackheads usually appear on nose. In some people it can also appear on forehead and chin.
Medically blackheads and whiteheads are pimples (also called acne vulgaris).
Medically blackheads and whiteheads are treated by applying creams prescribed by a dermatologist. If the problem is severe or the blackheads and whiteheads aggravate and become red spots or pus spots then internal medicine is also prescribed.