"Megan" has had her identity stolen, and with it $6,500 from her bank account. Photo: Penny Stephens
Apartment dwellers in Melbourne's west have been targeted by a sophisticated sim card swapping scam that enables identity thieves to take control of their online bank accounts and fleece them of thousands while they sleep.
Mail had been vanishing from Megan's* letter box since December last year, but it wasn't until late on the evening of May 13 that her phone suddenly stopped working. By the next morning, more than $6500 had vanished from her accounts.
She'd been locked out of her online banking and failed the security questions when she called her mobile phone provider to find out why she couldn't make calls or send texts. It was days before she could discover what had happened and wrangle back control of her phone and bank accounts.
Megan, who has requested anonymity fearing further identity theft, has since discovered at least one other resident in her building and her body corporation manager were also stung. She believes similar rackets have also targeted other western suburbs, including Maribyrnong, Deer Park and Maidstone over the past year.
So far, two people have been charged over thefts and subsequent deceptions, but police are still investigating other incidents of stolen mail used to take out new credit cards, apply for loans and order goods.
The scam used on Megan involved her phone number being "ported" or transferred to another sim card by thieves masquerading as her in calls to her mobile phone provider, Vodafone.
With control of her phone number and using personal information from her stolen mail, they could then use the bank's SMS authentication systems to reset her password and gain access to her online banking.
They disabled all of her security alerts and moved $8000 into an accessible account, in transfers made either side of midnight, of which they withdrew $6500, she said. Because she was a victim of fraud, her bank, National Australia Bank, later covered the full amount stolen.
"Banks and the phone companies should have a flag in their system that if these people ring up asking similar questions, they should simply say 'no you'll have to go into a store'," Megan said.
The Communications Alliance has been lobbying the banks to change the way they use SMS since phone porting scams began to emerge about five years ago.
"We don't think it's sensible practice for SMS to be used as an authentication factor because it was never designed to be a secure communication channel," said chief executive John Stanton.
 "It's typically not people who are losing a few hundred dollars ... they're losing thousands."
An Australian Banker's Association spokesman said the banks' "sophisticated fraud detection systems", required two factors for authentication of which SMS was just one. "If customers are the innocent victims of fraud, the bank wears the loss, not the customer," she said.
Vodafone has provided information about Megan's case to the Australian Federal Police.
"This type of fraud is an industry issue and we work closely with other providers and law enforcement agencies about potential and reported fraudulent activity," a Vodafone spokeswoman said.
Detective Senior Constable Brendan O'Mahoney, who is investigating the reports, said apartment blocks were a common target, because: "these are locations where there are a large number of letterboxes which are accessible".
A NAB spokeswoman said customers should lock their letterboxes, shred financial statements, be suspicious of unexpected calls and texts and never give out personal information to strangers.
Anyone with information that may assist with the investigation is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.