Convicted criminal and former terrorism suspect Zaky Mallah met with at least five senior ABC producers and used taxpayer-funded transport to appear on Monday night's controversial Q&A episode.
Mallah was briefed by executive producer Peter McEvoy before the show went to air and spoke with other producers, who conducted a background check on his political views, The Daily Telegraph reports.
Host Tony Jones reportedly had knowledge of Mallah's history before allowing him to speak on the show.
These interactions happened after Mallah used an ABC courtesy bus from Parramatta to get to the Q&A studio in Ultimo.
The revelations put further pressure on the public broadcaster which is already under fire for showing an unedited repeat of the episode featuring Mallah on Wednesday.
The ABC had earlier said it had made "an error in judgement" in allowing Mallah on the show.
"The ABC has once again given a platform to someone who hates us, who hates our way of life, who supports terrorists, and again, I ask of the national broadcaster: whose side are you on?" Prime Minister Tony Abbott said yesterday.
In 2003 Mallah was the first man in NSW charged under new anti-terrorism laws after making a video declaring he wanted to die a "martyr" by storming an ASIO office and killing national security officers.
He was held in Goulburn's 'Supermax' prison for two years, including spells in solitary confinement.
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