It hardly amounts to a scandal, but Cate Blanchett's single passionate scene of love-making with Rooney Mara in the 1950s lesbian romance Carol has given the Cannes Film Festival a little frisson.
Of course, the Cannes audience is far too sophisticated to be shocked, but that doesn't mean it isn't curious. Was it true, as an interview printed last week seemed to suggest, that queenly Blanchett had had same-sex relationships in real life?

Cate Blanchett poses during a photocall for the film Carol at the 68th Cannes Film Festival. Photo: Reuters/Eric Gaillard
Todd Haynes' film Carol is based on a semi-autobiographical Patricia Highsmith story The Price of Salt, written in 1952. A wealthy woman on the brink of divorce comes to a New York department store to buy a Christmas present for her seven-year-old daughter and strikes up a promising friendship with a young shop assistant.
Carol is scrupulously tasteful, exquisitely set-dressed and tightly restrained: it depicts a time when everyone wore gloves. It is also romantic, in a way that hearkens back to the era of the "women's picture".
Critics swooned over it after the press screenings the night before; along with Yorgas Lanthimos' surreal The Lobster and Hungarian Holocaust drama Son of Saul, it became an instant frontrunner for the festival's final top prize, the Palme D'Or. Blanchett's purring performance in the title role drew special raves. "[She]Â somehow leaps over her own highest standards with a subtlety that's little short of phenomenal," to quote the London Telegraph.

Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchett star in Todd Haynes' film Carol.
Perhaps it was this authenticity that led the trade magazine Variety to inquire about her own experience. She was reported saying she had been in relationships with women "many times", but she said her answer had been edited to become misleading.
"From memory, the conversation ran: 'Have you had relationships with women?'," she told the Cannes press conference. "I said 'Yes, many times, but if you mean have I had sexual relationships with women, the answer is no'," she said.
The reporter concerned has tweeted that his question was specifically about lesbian experiences, but Blanchett regards it as an irrelevancy either way. "In 2015 the point should be: who cares? Call me old fashioned, but I thought one's job as an actor was not to present one's own boring, small, microscopic universe but to raise and expand your sense of the universe, to make a psychological and empathic connection to another character's experience so you can play them. So you can present another world to an audience.

Cate Blanchett says the acceptance of homosexuality still remains an issue beyond the 1950s tale of Carol.
"My life is of no interest to anyone else. Or maybe it is, I don't know. But I'm certainly not interested in putting my thoughts and opinions up there."
She and Mara did feel some apprehension before playing the film's single sex scene, she said, but no more than before doing a similar scene with a man. "I have such respect and admiration for Rooney and it was quite hilarious actually in a way. It's always great when it's not titillating. It was a really, really important scene in the structure of the film and the telling of the story."
Simply being naked didn't worry either of them. Mara says she has been "nude quite often (so) it was not a big deal for me". Blanchett, who is seen only from the back, said that giving birth dispelled those kinds of inhibitions. "A lot of people see you naked in that experience."
The film is set in a time when homosexuality had come to be regarded as a psychiatric illness as well as evidence of moral turpitude; Carol is thus twice damned in her struggle to retain custody of her daughter. "It was a mortally murky time and place," Todd Haynes told the press conference. "The US was still recovering from the distress of the Second World War. The whole nation was clenching under the Cold War … and moving into a deep freeze."
Times might have changed but, as Blanchett points out, less than people suppose. The US Supreme Court is divided on gay marriage, holding the rights of the whole country's gay community in the balance.
"There are 70 countries around the world where homosexuality is still illegal so it still seems to be an issue," she said. "We are living in deeply conservative times. If you think otherwise, you're very foolish."
Screenwriter Phyllis Nagy, who adapted the Highsmith story, agreed with her. "Nothing has changed but everything has changed. I hope that it starts the conversation we need to have about his issue. When you live your life your identity is front and centre. I hope it has some rippling effects."
At the same time, Blanchett sees gay people being expected to answer for their sexuality at every turn. "I think the interesting thing about this, and certainly playing a character like Carol, is that sexuality is a private affair," Blanchett said. "I think what often happens these days is that if you are homosexual, you have to talk about it constantly; it has to be the only thing you put before your work and any other aspect of your personality."
Haynes and Blanchett last worked together in 2007 on the acclaimed I'm Not There, in which she played a cross-dressed version of Bob Dylan. "She's continually astounding to me – starting as a person, as a really fine human being, a really caring, considerate soul, who shows such considerable kindness to the crew and her fellow actors," he told Hollywood Reporter in an interview published in the trade magazine's festival daily edition.
Given Carol's reception in Cannes, she will surely be in the running for a third Oscar – if it isn't all too scandalous, of course.