'There are a lot of investment accelerators that have essentially unfair models,' says Silicon Valley-based start-up investor Adeo Ressi.
One of Silicon Valley's most prominent investors in early-stage technology companies has warned that Australia is becoming notorious for its limited appetite for risk, and that this is causing start-ups to receive unfair terms from venture capital firms and accelerator programs.
Adeo Ressi, the founder of global start-up incubator Founder Institute, which has operations in 105 countries, will arrive in Australia later this month for a visit that will include meetings with individual investors and fund managers, including superannuation funds across Melbourne and Sydney.
He will also be speaking at an event advising investors on how to make a move into the tech startup scene.
He said Australia's low-risk appetite was well known, and hoped his visit would help drive excitement in the tech sector from outside the traditional start-up investor circles.
"In Australia you're getting it wrong, and it will not only hurt your long-term returns but also the prospects of the country. I want to invigorate your investors to take start-ups seriously," Mr Ressi told Fairfax Media.
He said the limited risk appetite was so systematic it was even present in some of Australia's prolific start-up investment groups, which loaded terms in their favour when dealing with new companies.
As well as Founder Institute, Mr Ressi is also the managing director of Expansive Ventures, a $US100 million ($124.3 million) fund.
"With a lot of the Australian deals I'm familiar with, the terms used are unfair to the entrepreneurs and that hurts the trust between them and their investors, creating a more hostile and less productive environment," he said.
Mr Ressi said this issue was particularly pernicious in the service-based accelerator programs, which give some cash but supplement it by offering technology development or business development services.
"There are a lot of investment accelerators that have essentially unfair models," he said. "A lot of service incubators are not good."
'Founder-friendly' shiftÂ
Mr Ressi's comments come a week after several of Australia's leading early-stage funds and (non-service) accelerators launched an open-source term sheet initiative to increase transparency and ethical dealings with fledgling technology companies.
More than 25 groups are involved including Blackbird Ventures, Square Peg Capital, AirTree Ventures and MH Carnegie & Co.
Mr Ressi said Expansive Ventures was part of a "founder-friendly revolution" in Silicon Valley that structures deals and values companies more generously to encourage greater communication and collaboration between start-ups and their investors.
"We make investments based on the idea the team is capable of reaching its goals, and doing so in six months," he said. "This means our investments are now essentially bets the team can create a certain amount of value in the best-case scenario in six months."
Mr Ressi said while this meant teams have all the resources they need, it could lead to an intensely stressful and exhausting six months.
"The negative is they have to run really hard and fast to get there," he said. "And if they fail, they die. And that's not good. But it's working pretty well for both sides so far."
The shift to more collaborative relationships between investors and start-ups also includes significantly simplified term sheets, similar to the Australian initiative.
Looking local
Mr Ressi will also be looking for promising start-ups to back while he is in Australia.
Expansive Ventures invests up to $US2Â million in early-stage companies. Launched four months ago, it has two companies on its books so far including HonestDollar, a financial start-up to enable US small-business owners to offer their staff retirement plans.
"We'll invest in Australia. We're looking in 105 countries right now and we'll invest wherever the best businesses are," Mr Ressi said.
Mr Ressi is being brought out to Australia by Julio De Laffitte, who co-ordinates a network of entrepreneurs called the Unstoppables.
Mr De Laffitte also believes changing local investors' risk appetite is critical to the continued growth of the Australian technology industry, and wider economy.
"All of the investments that people think are now safe, like the banks and insurance companies, will be disrupted by the companies they dismiss as too early, too risky, too untested," he said.