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Posted: 2015-01-24 05:43:00
A trio of ferrets mauled a baby’s face off in Philadelphia. Picture: AP Photo/US Fish and

A trio of ferrets mauled a baby’s face off in Philadelphia. Picture: AP Photo/US Fish and Wildlife Service/Kimberly Fraser Source: AP

A TRIO of pet ferrets has mauled a newborn baby’s face off, ripping up her nose, cheeks and lips, while she was downstairs in her car seat.

Officials said the month-old baby was attacked by ferrets that escaped from a cloth cage while the girl’s mother went upstairs and her father was sleeping on Thursday afternoon.

The baby was in stable condition in intensive care Friday after emergency reconstructive surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Police say four other young children have been placed with relatives amid concerns about their parents’ ability to care for them.

A trio of ferrets mauled a baby’s face off in Philadelphia. Picture: AP Photo/US Fish and

A trio of ferrets mauled a baby’s face off in Philadelphia. Picture: AP Photo/US Fish and Wildlife Service/Kimberly Fraser Source: AP

“The parents, I believe, have problems,” Police Chief Robert Smythe told the Delaware County Daily Times.

“They are challenged. They can’t take care of these kids.”

The ferrets scampered away when the mother came downstairs after hearing the baby’s screams, Smythe said.

According to the website of the American Ferret Association, a healthy, a well-trained ferret shouldn’t bite but needs to be taught acceptable behaviours like any other pet.

The association says that ferrets and kids can play well together but that small children shouldn’t be left alone with them or any other animal.

Smythe said investigators found more food for the family’s ferrets and cats than for the children. Police have asked prosecutors to approve charges against the parents.

“Just imagine that one-month-old baby, that can’t help herself, (and) two or three animals are eating it alive,” he said. “Imagine the pain.”

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