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Posted: 2015-01-24 10:44:00
Forget umbrellas, just strap a ringbinder to your head. Picture: Japan Trend Shop

Forget umbrellas, just strap a ringbinder to your head. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

JAPAN is the world’s eccentric epicentre for wild inventions.

Some ideas spilling out of Tokyo — like sparkling pet drinks and ringbinder safety helmets — are almost too bizarre to believe.

Others start to sound like rather promising concepts. We’re already hankering for a mobile cat table and “roomy aroma foot warmer”.

The best of these trends will make it to Australia in 100,000 years. Others are so ridiculous they make chocolate pretzels sound like a good idea.

Either way, they’re fantastic. Here are our seven favourite trends hitting Japanese shelves right now.

Under no circumstances should you go out in public wearing this. Picture: Japan Trend Sho

Under no circumstances should you go out in public wearing this. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

1. Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece

Forget that facelift, all you need for a youthful, wrinkle-free visage is this little gadget.

You simply fit a massive rubber mould around your lips and move your mouth around for three minutes a day.

The Face Slimmer’s creators recommend you say vowel sounds out loud over and over again, which will “strength the twelve facial expression muscles in a comprehensive way”. It definitely won’t make you look like a creepy clown.

2. Necomimi Brainwave-Reading Cat Ear Headband

The Necomimi, described as a “fashion gadget”, allows you to communicate your feelings through a pair of cat-ears.

The ears twitch and bob in response to your relaxed, happy, sad or excited emotional state, using “NeuroSky Technology”.

It sounds like incredibly sophisticated, cutting-edge tech is being used to make the wearer look very silly indeed.

But don’t worry about that. As the inventors say: “Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve, now you can wear it on your head”.

Never mind the sedentary lifestyle, you may never even need to sit up again. Picture: Jap

Never mind the sedentary lifestyle, you may never even need to sit up again. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

3. Super Gorone Desk

If your arms ever get tired holding up that tablet in bed, you’ll probably really want one of these. Gadget-makers Thanko have come up with an adjustable, portable desk that will adapt to any position you’re lying in.

It even features a USB-powered fan to keep your computer cool while you snuggle under a blanket.

They’ve also come up with a hands-free tablet holder you can strap to your front while on the train. For the laziest technology fans (so, all of us).

This uber-comfy pillow can be twisted into almost any shape. Picture: Japan Trend Shop

This uber-comfy pillow can be twisted into almost any shape. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

4. Bibilab Twintails Pillow

This idea is actually ingenious rather than truly out-there, but we had to include it because we want one so much.

“Hug pillows” are hugely popular in Japan, and this one is apparently typical in that it’s designed so you can wrap your whole body around it. The “twintails” (meaning pigtails) shape can be twisted into almost any position.

You can lie sandwiched between the tails or on top of them, you can twist it into a “sofa-cum-desk”, or even share it with a friend. Forget five-star hotels, this must be the ultimate in comfort.

Fellow commuters will never notice your sneaky thumb extension. Picture: Japan Trend Shop

Fellow commuters will never notice your sneaky thumb extension. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

5. Thumb Extender for Touchscreens

Tech-savvy Tokyo is at the forefront of smartphone innovation, which means everyone’s currently carting around one of those massive mobiles.

But for those of us leaping headfirst on to the bandwagon, there’s an elephant in the room: most of our thumbs won’t stretch up to the farthest corner of the screen.

Help is at hand, trend-loving, tiny-handed phone users.

This giant, silicone thumb could become your new best friend. It comes with a black nub that can press buttons on the tablet as well as swipe, while your other hand remains free to hold you steady on the bus.

Embarrassed about your new, massive digit? The makers say the casual observer won’t even notice.

Japan is famous for cuteness (or “kawaii”). You can see why. Picture: Japan Trend Shop

Japan is famous for cuteness (or “kawaii”). You can see why. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

6. Oppo Dog Muzzle Quack

Does your pet need a muzzle? Slip on this stylish, duck bill version and they’ll look hilarious rather than a bit intimidating.

The plastic muzzles come in three sizes and colours (pink, yellow and brown) and will transform your pooch into “a semi-duck, designer ‘billed’” pet.

Animal accessories and fashion are huge in Japan, so we can guarantee your dog will look truly style-savvy — i.e. absolutely ridiculous, in the most fabulous way.

This is on our wishlist for summer. Picture: Japan Trend Shop

This is on our wishlist for summer. Picture: Japan Trend Shop Source: Supplied

7. Frozen Beer Slushie Maker by Kirin Ichiban

This could be delicious, although it’s more probably completely disgusting. We were not able to get hold of a sample, but remain hopeful that one is on its way.

Tokyo’s coolest beer gardens started serving them in 2012, so it’s high time we got in on the act Down Under.

Kirin uses patented freezing technology for its at-home slushie makers that adds a whipped, frozen top to the beer. The minus-zero ice cap insulates the lager or ale and keeps it cooler for longer.

It has already made an appearance at the Dodgers Stadium in the US. The perfect Australia Day accessory.

Bonus item: Toot Nano Colours No Slip Underwear

This underwear doesn’t look so different to ordinary fitted boxer shorts, but the hilarious road-testing videos mean it makes the cut.

See more of amazing products at the Japan Trend Shop.

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