Photo: Glen Le Lievre
A few years ago conservatives in the United States were hyperventilating about the then-chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, because they believed his radical monetary policies were going to lead to an uncontrollable outbreak in inflation that would decimate the economy.
Remember these accusations?
Newt Gingrich, while running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, warned voters that Bernanke was "the most inflationary, dangerous" Fed chairman "in history".
Shane Oliver, chief economist at AMP Capital, sent a note to his clients this week explaining why Australia faced deflationary risks. Photo: Louie Douvis
Texas Governor Rick Perry, who also ran for the nomination, claimed Bernanke was "almost" treasonous.
"If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," he thundered.
They were cynical statements then and they look ridiculous now – the US economy is actually showing signs of healthy life these days, while it still faces very little inflationary pressure. It's obviously too early to claim victory, but it looks like Bernanke's policies may have worked.
Looking around the world, other major developed economies aren't worrying about inflation at all, despite the amount of money printing that has gone on in recent years.
The thing they are more concerned about is deflation.Â
Shane Oliver, the chief economist of AMP Capital, felt deflation was enough of a concern that he sent a note to his clients this week explaining what it was and why Australia faced some deflationary risks.
I'll do my best to summarise what he says.
Firstly, he says the absence of inflationary pressures around the world is a good thing, because it means the global "sweet spot" of OK economic growth, low interest rates, and low bond yields can continue.
But a steep fall in bond yields over the last year, to record or near record lows, is warning us that the world may face a period of "sustained deflation".
What is deflation? It refers to persistent and generalised price falls, and it is not necessarily a bad thing. Whether deflation is good or not depends on the circumstances in which it occurs.
As Oliver explains, in the period 1870-1895 in the United States, deflation occurred against the background of strong economic growth, reflecting rapid productivity growth and technological innovation.
This was "good" deflation.
Australians have enjoyed this type of deflation for years in the prices of electronic goods. That's why so many of us can afford to have large flat-screen TVs and other things.
Deflation becomes "bad" when it is associated with falling wages, rising unemployment, falling asset prices and rising real debt burdens.
In the 1930s, and more recently in Japan, deflation reflected an economic collapse and rising unemployment, which was made worse by a combination of high debt levels and falling asset prices.
"[And] in the current environment sustained deflation could cause problems," Oliver says, speaking about the global economy.
"Falling wages and prices would make it harder to service debts. Lower nominal growth will mean less growth in public sector tax revenues, making still high public debt levels harder to pay off. And when prices fall people put off decisions to spend and invest, which could threaten economic growth."
He believes the decline in inflation globally has raised concerns that we may see sustained deflation around the world.
Annual inflation rates are low everywhere.
They are just 0.8 per cent in the United States, -0.2 per cent in Europe, 0.5 per cent in the UK, 0.4 per cent in Japan, and 1.5 per cent in China.
In Australia, annual inflation is still officially sitting at 2.3 per cent, which is much better than other economies, but it looks likely to fall below that next week when new figures come out.
And if that happens, things could get interesting.
The Reserve Bank is meeting in a couple of weeks to decide on interest rates, knowing full well that economists from major banks have been calling on it to cut rates further.
Its job is to try to keep inflation within a 2-3 per cent range, so if annual inflation falls below the 2-3 per cent target it will strengthen the case for the bank to cut rates again.
Rates are already at a historic low 2.5 per cent. If inflation falls below 2 per cent next week, all eyes will be on RBA governor Glenn Stevens.
But is there a risk that Australia faces bad deflation? Oliver thinks it's unlikely.
He says deflationary forces will be felt in Australia as global prices fall, for commodities such as oil and energy, but those forces won't be serious.
He believes a sustained 1930s or Japanese-style deflation is likely to be avoided globally, too.
That's because the US Fed is likely to delay its first interest rate hike if core inflation continues to fall. Japan will likely continue with its aggressive quantitative easing program for some time yet. And China and India look likely to ease monetary conditions further.
Oliver also believes a further interest rate cut is likely in Australia.
That loosely co-ordinated global monetary easing should help to ensure that global growth continues, and in turn prevent a slide into sustained deflation, Oliver argues.
So even though global inflation will remain low, it is unlikely to collapse into sustained deflation.
But a key thing to watch will be the success of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan in boosting their countries' growth rates with looser monetary policy.
"The most likely outcome is that inflation will remain low over the year ahead, with improving growth helping it bottom [out], but still significant spare capacity preventing much of a rise [in inflation]," he argues.
"[And] as the generally easy global and Australian monetary environment continues, it will help underpin further gains in growth assets like shares, albeit with more volatility."
Australian interest rates will obviously remain low for the rest of the year.
Ross Gittins is on leave