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Posted: 2015-01-25 05:56:00
Jodie Sinclair has refused weight-loss surgery. Pic:

Jodie Sinclair has refused weight-loss surgery. Pic: Source: Supplied

A MORBIDLY obese English woman who is ‘too fat to work’ has refused weight-loss surgery because she’d rather keep claiming welfare payments.

Former pub worker Jodie Sinclair weighs more than 175kg and uses a mobility scooter to get around, the Mirror reports.

She lives rent-free in a council flat in Peterborough in England’s east, and collects a monthly disability allowance that has cost taxpayers roughly $142,000 since Ms Sinclair started claiming it at the age of 19.

On top of this support, she’s been repeatedly offered publicly funded weight-loss surgery, but has refused because she’d “rather be on benefits”.

“I’m not going under the knife for anyone because I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong,” the 28-year-old said.

‘I’m not going under the knife for anyone’

Jodie Sinclair ... ‘I’d rather just go on like I am and be on benefits than go under the knife’ Pic: Source: Supplied

As well as refusing surgery, Ms Sinclair has also refused to give up her daily fried breakfast, which she enjoys along with sandwiches, chips and pasta to round out an average day’s intake.

“Doctors keep on shouting at me to lose weight but I don’t even eat that much,” she says.

“My cooked breakfasts are my treat. My mum would come over every day and we would have sausage, bacon, beans and toast but the dietitian had a go at me for that.

“I wasn’t going to give up my breakfasts.”

Ms Sinclair has been advised by several doctors to have a gastric band fitted, but refuses, saying her size is due to fluid retention rather than diet or exercise.

She says because she eat “potatoes and pasta, not takeaways”, it’s not her fault.

The 28-year-old lives with her boyfriend who doesn’t work either, and has carers come in to bathe her and help out with chores, she tell the Mirror.

Ms Sinclair believes she should also be entitled to a free cleaner.

“The council inspectors come round and criticise me for being too lazy to do the cleaning but I can’t do it,” she told the paper.

“I’m getting into trouble with them for keeping the place dirty. But if they want it pristine they need to get me some help.”

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