Sodastream — is it all it’s promised? Source: Supplied
I REMEMBER SodaStream in the 80s.
The joy exploding fizziness all over the kitchen, of placing too much flavour in and watching it bubble and splatter all over the floor in sticky joy only to leave you a mere half a bottle to drink — post accidental soda fountain.
The fizz, oh the fizz.
Back then it had glass bottles and they were much smaller.
And SodaStream came in a sexy shade of dog-poo brown and cream.
The thing was fiddly. It spilt a lot. And as a kid I thought it was awesome.

Remember this bad boy? Retro SodaStream. This is how it was done oldschool. Source: Supplied
We couldn’t afford a new one.
By the time we managed to score a second-hand one, the novelty had run out of fizz.
The gas bottles were hard to find. And the places that still had them charged a lot.
Flavours were sparse.
At first cordial became the substitute for the ‘real’ flavours.
Then, the gas ran out.
Later, the glass bottles were just used for drinking flat cordial from — until we eventually broke most of them.
The SodaStream dream had died.
But last Christmas, it seemed, Sodastream was THE Christmas gift.
As a result there’s been an influx of hardcore sodastreamers.
Yes, you with the experimental fizzy wine copying that Youtube video, I’m talking about you!
It’s the bubbly revival I didn’t see coming.

It’s back and it’s back in a big way. SodaStream. Pic supplied Source: Supplied
But I can’t help wondering how long the new and improved hipster version will be around until the wizz of the fizz goes flat.
Some of the arguments for the love of SodaStream include: “but I love fizzing it myself†(so many double entendres I have no idea where to start) and “I don’t buy no-name brand soda water because it contributes to destroying the brands you love.â€
Not quite sure how that works if you’re making soda water at home.
Other arguments include not wanting to carry shopping bags full of fizzy water, a first world problem if ever I heard one.
Or how it is important to have fizzy water 24/7 at your fingertips for those unexpected vodka sessions. This argument survives on the premise that there is ALWAYS vodka in the house and that the lack of fizzy water is the big issue.
Oh, and SodaStream is economical. Whoa. Hold on. What?

Wine it up: SodaStream has become popular with fans of sparkling wine too. Pic Adam Smith Source: News Corp Australia
I started doing some maths.
A bit of googling showed the average starting price of a SodaStream is around $99.
If you want the flashy metal version — a bit like the coffee machine of the soda world — you’ll be looking at double that.
Your $99 version will get you the drink maker, a bottle, one flavour and a ‘starter’ gas bottle.
I couldn’t find out how many litres the starter gas was likely to make. But since there’s only one flavour in there, I’m guessing not a lot.
In contrast, your average 1.25L of your generic brand soda water is around 80c (65c per litre)
SodaStream advertises its gas bottles produce 60 litres of fizz for around $51.
To make soda water economical, those gas bottles would need to be priced around the $39 mark because at 65c per litre, $50 will purchase 76 litres of soda water from the supermarket.
If you want to add flavour — it costs about $7.45 to flavour 12 litres.
So add an extra $37.25 to flavour a full gas canister — all up you’re talking $88.25 for 60 litres.
Flavoured generic brand soft drink, as well as helping you get on your way to diabetes, starts as low as 75 cents for 1.25 litres — some closer to 97 cents for 1.25 litres.
Sodastream still costs more.
By my calculation there’s never going to be a break-even point where the Sodastream becomes a more economical option than buying soda water by the litre.
The sad reality is with an initial outlay of $99, you basically pay for the privilege of making your own soft drinks.
For the same $99 you could have purchased around 152 litres of soda water already made, or 132 flavoured drinks.
Seriously, the guy who thought of this product is probably a rich genius who has someone else to make his drinks for him.
When I started talking numbers to the dedicated fans of Sodastream around me, they just started waving their hands in dismissal.
They don’t care because they lurrrrve their Sodastream.
That tap water infused with manual fizz is as good as gold-coated in their eyes.
It is — the shizzle.
Clearly, you can’t place a value on nostalgia, the labour of love, or the joy and pride involved when one becomes engaged in the creation of something.
In this case, your own carbonated drink.
What a fizzer.
Yep, you can get gas refills. Based on this info:
SodaStream $99 + gas canister $51 = $150
At 65c per litre (retail cost for soda water) you would need to drink 230L of soda water from your SodaStream to justify the $150 outlay.
But to make that much, you need 3.8 canisters of gas.
Another 2.8 canisters at around $20 per refill will cost you $56.
$99+$51+$56 = $206
That’s around 317 litres of soda water at 65c per litre before you’re in the cheap soda.
Happy fizzing!