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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!

Posted: 2015-01-12 11:11:00
One of the teenagers in the video.

One of the teenagers in the video. Source: YouTube

“YOU ARE beautiful and unique in every way.”

“That big smile of yours made my day.”

Anti-bullying organisation Champions Against Bullying have put together a powerful 46-second video comprised of teenagers reading messages sent to their friends after they committed suicide.

The video works on the premise that these nice things to say are “too late”.

“Be nice. Now,” the ad urges.

In America, where the ad was produced, “3.2 million students between 6th and 10th grades fall victim to moderate or serious bullying every year,” according to the Huffington Post.

In Australia, roughly 1 in 4 students have reported being bullied. In 2013 these statistics were brought to the foreground when 13-year-old Madeleine Milne took her own life after being bullied.

At the time, the Australian Human Rights Commission said bullying was “endemic” in Australia, which has been ranked worst in the world for social network bullying.

“We are very concerned about these increased numbers,” commission president Professor Gillian Triggs told the No2Bullying Conference.

“The commission believes that bullying is a significant issue in Australian society; in our schools, our workplaces and increasingly in our online lives.”

So, be nice. Now.

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