Blink and you'll miss it: Game of Thrones' Three-Eyed Raven teaser.
HBO appears to be borrowing from the book of Snapchat for its latest Game of Thrones teaser campaign, deleting a tantalising vision of season five released to fans after just one viewing.
But the internet is the internet, and someone worked out a way of recording it for repeated and close-up examination.
HBO launched a new website late last month called Three Eyed Raven, encouraging fans to sign up to receive "The Sight" via text message or Twitter. Those who did were sent an initial teaser focused on Arya Stark. Â
But this week the first proper vision came via a link that self-destructed once used.
Thankfully, supremely clever Reddit user d4rknut found a way to record the 10Â very important seconds of footage, which included Sansa looking stoic, Tyrion looking glum, Cersei looking through a screen, someone (Jaime?) rowing a boat, a weirwood tree and the White Book of the Kingsguard being slammed shut.
It's all very spooky and cryptic, and once again only serves to whet the appetite for a proper Game of Thrones trailer, one with some dialogue and action and perhaps a sword fight or some nudity to really help us get our bearings.
But I have a question for Throners, because I am slightly worried I'm going as mad as Lysa Arryn during feeding time.
You see, I'm convinced the teaser I received on Tuesday morning was different.
Granted, I had only just woken up and saw it while doing the now-mandatory pre-shower social media check, so it's possible my memory is as fuzzy as Sam Tarly's beard.
But the one I saw began with a sword being drawn, and ended with Jaime Lannister looking at something in horror.
Some users have complained to HBO that the links they were sent were buggy, and some have said they have yet to receive a link at all.
So is it possible HBO might be sending out different links to different fans, either by mistake or as part of an ingenious plan to get people talking by comparing teasers, and trying to build a bigger picture of what's to come?
I'm keen to hear your thoughts - but remember - no spoilers, book readers!