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Posted: 2014-12-17 00:23:00
Apple’s 2013 Christmas ad set the bar for heart warming commercials.

Apple’s 2013 Christmas ad set the bar high for heart warming commercials. Source: Supplied

APPLE has debuted its new Christmas-themed ad and its charming tone is melting hearts everywhere.

The 90-second commercial is called ‘The Song’ and features a young girl unearthing an old vinyl record, which appears to be a gift from her Grandparents from the 1950s.

It is clear that the record was made on an old-school piece of technology called the Voice-O-Graph, which allowed people in the 1940s and ‘50s to record directly to vinyl. On the wax vinyl is a song called “Love is Here to Stay,’ sung by her grandmother.

The protagonist, in what feels more like a short film than a commercial, records her on rendition of the song and lays it over the top of her Grandma’s lyrics.

The final moment of the ad pulls on the heart strings as the young girl watches on from the staircase while her grandmother tearfully enjoys the newly recorded “duet.”

The ad carries on from the sweet tone of Apple’s 2013 Christmas commercial and has proven to be wildly popular.

As Apple and Samsung continue the advertising battle over the new features of their gadgets, some have applauded the approach from the Californian based company that places the consumer (and not the product) back at the centre of their marketing.

Many others took to twitter to express their “feels” over the heartfelt ad.

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