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Posted: 2014-12-16 05:00:41

With some serious questions being asked about why the Sydney siege gunman, Man Haron Monis was released on bail, free to walk the street, a petition on is gaining traction.

Launched by Sarah Langston and Dr Miriam Giugni on Monday the petition is calling for stronger bail laws in New South Wales. At the time of publishing it already had more than 42,260 supporters.

“After the #Sydneysiege we have learnt this man was let out on bail after facing accessory to murder charges and about 40 sexual assault charges,” the petition says.

“Bail laws were meant to have been changed already, but ‘administrative bungles’ have stalled them until late January. That’s not good enough. We need stronger bail laws that would have kept this dangerous man behind bars right now.

“The public deserves to be protected from violent criminals.”

Earlier today, NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard admitted Monis had “slipped through the cracks” and if the new legislation was in force he probably wouldn’t be out on bail.

The new bail act isn’t due to be enacted until January 28. There’s more on that here.

The petition is here.

NOW READ: There Will Be An Investigation Into How “Damaged Goods” Gunman, Man Haron Monis, Remained On The Streets

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