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Posted: 2014-12-12 05:57:58

Before Ricky Muir had to decide the future direction of Australia's asylum seeker policy, he had never met a general or an admiral, or been lobbied by one of Australia's longest-serving prime ministers.

He had his own views about fairness, values shaped by growing up in rural Victoria, working as a union delegate, a health and safety officer and a manager at a sawmill in Gippsland (before it closed and he lost his job), and as a father of five young children.

But, when it came to weighing up the choice presented by Scott Morrison's sweeping migration legislation last week, the senator representing the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party was in unfamiliar territory - a place, he remarked later, he would not wish his worst enemy to be in.

As the last senator to declare his position on the legislation, Muir knew his vote would either see it pass into law or be blocked, just like Morrison's previous efforts to restore temporary protection visas. The pressure was immense.


The surprise is that it was not the arguments of Lieutenant General Angus Campbell or Rear Admiral Michael Noonan from Operation Sovereign Borders that swayed Muir, or the gravitas of Malcolm Fraser, but a phone call from someone who, until that point, had been urging anyone who would listen to say no to Morrison.

The call came as the debate in the Senate edged towards its climax. It struck Muir's receptionist as important, because the woman on the end of the line said she was on the side of the asylum seekers, but was urging Muir to pass the Bill.

"[The receptionist] was particularly interested because I wanted him to vote 'yes'," the caller told me. "And, because I had known these people for a period of time on Christmas Island, she said she would give the message straight to Ricky."

When Muir rang back, the woman described the sheer desperation and mental fatigue of those who had been held on Christmas Island for up to 17 months and faced the prospect of being sent to Nauru, where they would endure a period of indefinite detention before, if their claims were accepted, being resettled on that poor, tiny island or relocated to Cambodia.

As Muir explains it, her testimony, and the story she told of one of the toddlers who had arrived on Christmas Island a "babe in arms", convinced him to take what was on offer despite his very deep concerns about the legislation. "It sealed the deal," he says.

That the caller was just as conflicted as Muir in deciding to support the legislation underscores Morrison's tactical triumph. What he managed to do was drive a wedge into those who believe his approach to stopping the boats is immoral and that a more humane way must be found to minimise deaths at sea and respond to the global refugee crisis.

In the words of refugee lawyer David Manne, this was a victory for "head-lock politics", pure and simple.

"They secured the narrowest majority by overtly threatening to continue to incarcerate children, their parents and other people; people being broken, falling apart due to prolonged detention at the government's behest," he says. "Conscious, calculated cruelty towards people fleeing harm was employed to secure new laws which will violate rights and endanger lives."

Under the deal, asylum seekers on Christmas Island, including about 80 children, will come to the mainland and, after a period in detention, be released into the community on bridging visas and be able to apply for work rights and either a temporary protection visa or another visa that offers a long and uncertain path to the possibility of permanent residency.

The 25,000 who comprise the "legacy" caseload from Labor's period in government, who are already in the community on bridging visas, will have the same opportunity, though they, too, will have to apply to the minister for the right to work and will have no right to family reunion.

This relief has to be weighed against the dangers in legislation which gives the minister broad discretion to conduct expedited and potentially flawed assessments of refugee claims; to push boats back without considering what awaits those on board; and to refuse or cancel visas on the basis of a set of poorly defined character assessments.

"To put the amendments in perspective, the power granted to Scott Morrison to determine the fates of individual asylum seekers is comparable to the unthinkable situation of Parliament passing legislation granting Attorney-General George Brandis power to determine criminal guilt without opportunity to appeal," says human rights lawyer, Andrew White.

Brandis was the guest speaker at the Australian Human Rights Commission's awards night this week, and he described the release of children from detention as the government's biggest human rights achievement of the year. "All the children in detention will have been released by the early months of next year and we will be back to where we were in November 2007 when the number of children in detention was zero," he declared.

He neglected to point out that scores of children who are on the mainland because their mothers were transferred here from Christmas Island or Nauru to give birth, or who are here for medical reasons, will remain in detention and will end up on Nauru.

Nor did Brandis volunteer that his statement did not apply to about 140 children already on Nauru, including those who arrived on the very same boats as those who will now be released into community. Many opted to go to Nauru as quickly as possible from Christmas Island because they believed their claims would be processed quicker there and they would be able to rebuild their lives.

Now, their sense of unfairness is compounding their despair. As one expressed it: "What is different between us and people in Christmas Island with same boat number?"

Muir and other crossbench senators who supported the legislation say they weighed up the potential dangers and the unfairness against the certainty that what was on offer would give relief to the legacy caseload on the mainland, and those on Christmas Island.

He expects Morrison to be true to his word and increase the refugee intake (even though this is not in the legislation) and says he will be holding the minister and his officials to account when they appear before the Senate's legal and constitutional committee.

Muir is also planning to subject himself to some more unfamiliar territory in order to give those in limbo a voice. A visit to Nauru is on the agenda for the first half of 2015.

Michael Gordon is political editor of The Age.

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