Eaten Alive's Paul Rosolie makes amends for failed anaconda stunt by offering to get eaten by something else.
The Discovery Channel documentary, Eaten Alive, provided all the dramatic music and POV camera shots that a voyeuristic audience could want. It had the six-metre long anaconda and the snake-proof suit covered in pig's blood. But it missed a crucial element: Rosolie didn't actually end up  being eaten alive.
After an hour, his bones began to creak under the pressure of the snake's stranglehold, and Paul decided the "alive" part mattered more than the "eaten". The Discovery Channel released a statement, explaining "the experiment had to be called [off] when it became clear that Paul would be very seriously injured if he continued on."

The giant anaconda that attacked Paul Rosolie on Eaten Alive. Photo: Facebook
"We gave it the best shot we could," Rosolie said on Jimmy Kimmel Live. He pointed out that the snake did begin eating him at the end of the show.
But people were not satisfied. After the show aired on Sunday night (US time), Twitter erupted with complaints about the Discovery Channel's false advertising.
In response, Rosolie accused angry viewers of "miss[ing] the whole point of the show," claiming he intended to promote the conservation of the Amazon rainforest.
"We got millions of people talking ... and this is the reason: to try and keep the place where these things live intact," Rosolie told Kimmel.
"And it's funny because I think PETA and everyone else has watched the last 20 minutes of the show and they're hinging on that and totally forgetting everything else about the fact that we're actually trying to protect these animals."
To which Kimmel responded: "So what you're saying is that people need to open their throats and accept all of this information, not just a little part of it?"
A laughing Rosolie agreed: "The whole thing, got to go head first."
Rosolie extended a peace offering to disappointed viewers: "I think I owe it to the people of planet earth to get eaten by something, no?"
Looks like Rosolie hasn't learnt his lesson either. Granted, he was probably, hopefully, joking.
Eaten Alive? will air in Australia at 8.30pm on Friday, December 12. (Note: In Australia the Discovery Channel has added a question mark to the title.)
Ada Lee on Twitter: @adelinalee
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