The two biggest card companies have long argued that some industries overcharge. Photo: Patrick Scala
Payment providers are divided in their reactions to the Murray inquiry attempt to cut down payment surcharges and fees – and it largely comes down to whether they're a dominant incumbent, or a new kid on the block.
Visa and MasterCard were happy to see partial bans and caps on surcharging for debit and credit card transactions recommended, but weren't keen on a "hard cap" on interchange fees.
Non-bank merchant payment provider Tyro, by contrast, argues the Murray inquiry's recommendations call out a "massive injustice". They say the recommendations could partially reverse what Tyro estimates are $500 million in "unnecessary" card fees paid by consumers and $300 million in fees that small businesses pay to subsidise big merchants' discounted fees and the rewards to rich customers on premium cards.
The two biggest card companies have long argued that some industries – including airlines, taxi companies and utilities – have been overcharging well above the cost of accepting their cards.
"Visa has always supported a ban on surcharging to protect Australian consumers," said Visa's Australia and NZ chief, Stephen Karpin.
However, the company hasn't yet finalised its position on the solution proposed by Murray, which would still allow some surcharging.
MasterCard said they were worried the cap on surcharging recommended for their credit cards would lead merchants to charge whatever that figure is.
Both card schemes want rivals that have created similar payment structures to their own to be regulated.
"Regulation is not currently equally applied across participants in the payments system, even where offering the same kinds of products," Mr Karpin said. "It is imperative existing, new and future entrants are equally captured in the regulations. The recommendation that interchange caps be extended to capture all interchange-like payments is the best way to achieve this outcome."
This would appear to mean American Express's so-called "companion cards" – which banks now issue with their Visa and MasterCards – could be subject to RBA caps because they have an "interchange fee-like" structure.
American Express did not respond to requests for comment in time for deadline.
PayPal is classified as a high-cost provider, with merchant service fees starting at 2.4 per cent and reducing according to volume. It is not regulated by the RBA, but is by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority because it takes deposits.
But Australian head Jeff Clementz said there would be no change for them under Murray's proposals.
Visa would not comment on the "hard" cap on interchange fees proposed by the inquiry.
Tyro's chief Jost Stollman said a hard cap on interchange fees would reduce the subsidy from small business and poorer consumers to big business and richer consumers with premium cards.
"Say the hard cap was at 0.5 per cent, so the premium cards would cost that much for merchants to accept, and standard cards might be 0.3 per cent," he said. "Now premium cards are above 2 per cent, so you limit the subsidy to large merchants and premium card holders."