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Posted: 2014-12-08 04:38:00

Dangerous toys pulled from shelves

Popular children's TV character peppa pig is coming to the State Theatre, Sydney with Peppa Pig Live: Treasure Hunt

NEARLY 100 favourite children’s toys have been pulled from shelves in a crackdown on dangerous products, with some putting young lives at risk.

‘I’m disabled, engaged, having sex’

‘I’m disabled, engaged, having sex’

SHE was never meant to walk or talk, let alone sing yet Lizzie Emeh is not letting learning disabilities stop her. She’s in love and talking sex.

Seven whales beached in South Australia

Seven whales beached in South Australia

AT least seven large sperm whales have beached themselves on Souths Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, where they haven’t been seen in 25 years.

What should you eat before exercise?

Christmas feature: exercise

EATING the right nutrients before and after your workout can help get you lean, increase your performance and assist your recovery. So what should you choose?

What obesity really does to you

Supplied Editorial thinstock

RESEARCHERS have used hi-tech computer modelling to discover what obesity really does to your body – and what they found was frightening.

These are Australia’s coolest family holidays

 Hawwi Mekonnen-Rabo, 9, goes Bananas. Leanyer recreation park saw thousands attend the opening of the waterslides on Sunday ...

THE days of relaxing by the pool, book in one hand, cocktail in the other might be behind you (for now), but that doesn’t mean parents and kids can’t enjoy a great Australian holiday together.

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