June 22-July 22
Your sector associated with money is looking great! Might Mars, is boosting your earning power, so any overtime will be rewarded accordingly. There’ll also be more opportunities to generate cash. However, with the moon, also in your sector of money and values, you could be a tad impulsive or spend before you think. Be sensible.
July 23-August 22
The fiesta combination of the moon and Mars in your sign is certain to bring out your inner firecracker! You’ll have very strong opinions and won’t be shy about sharing them. Even the most stoic Leo will also be tenderised and easily hurt by things said in jest. Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with loving folk.
August 23-September 22
For someone who likes to know what’s around the corner and be in control of your own destiny you’ll behave in an uncharacteristically spontaneous fashion. The whole world has been going stir crazy but with the stars bringing out your adventurous side you’ll be extra restless. The stellar arrangement will also heighten your ingenuity so you’ll discover you own internal getaway.
September 23-October 22
Venus has entered your sector of socialising making you more outgoing and willing to meet new people either in the flesh, if possible, or join a group online with folks who share common interests. If a friend has been pestering you to set you up with another acquaintance let them! It could be the best thing you almost didn’t do.
October 23 – November 22
Looks aren’t everything, but today impressions matter. Dress for success and you’re more likely to pip others to the post, whether it’s blitzing a job interview, winning over a love interest or catching the eye of an employer. Your attitude will also have a great impact on today’s outcomes. Have faith in your abilities and let your confidence shine through.
November 23-December 20
Your sector of intimacy is ablaze with lust and passion. Use this sexy stellar placement to lower your guard, as well as your inhibitions. Apart from bonding on a physical and sexual level this is a good time to pool your resources and think about how you can get ahead and reach the next financial milestone.
December 21-January 19
Security, particularly financial, is paramount to you Capricorns. Today though, the idea of following your dreams and doing something satisfying will be more appealing than a wage, and the more you think about it, the more sense it makes. So, if you’ve been toying with the idea of a change in direction this may be the cosmic nudge you need.
January 20-February 18
Your imagination and creativity are at their peak. Ensure you have a productive outlet or you’ll get up to all kinds of mischief! Your love life will benefit from today’s sassy vibes. Make the most of the frisky atmosphere and surprise your partner with a romantic date, even if it’s at home. Blossoming relationships will also get a positive prod.
February 19-March 20
Get out your wish list! The stars are fuelling your aspirations, but they won’t magically manifest if you don’t put them out there. Write down your dreams and desires, no matter how lofty, and take the proactive measures needed to achieve them. You’ll be met with nothing but support, especially from those in high places, so don’t be shy, Pisces.