April 20-May 20
Fake it til you make it! Today, you could be under pressure to perform, especially within your professional arena. Hot tip, Taurus - dress the part and you’ll feel the part. With the stars promoting creativity you’re bound to kill it at an interview, impress the boss or come up with strokes of marketing genius.
May 21-June 21
Try not to react badly to someone’s constructive criticism. Before you get your back up listen to what they say, not how they’re saying it. Put down your sword, Gemini, and consider the possibility that their intentions are good and they’re not out to get you. Put your ego aside and you’ll find a helpful ally.
June 22-July 22
Just when you thought the epic love-fest or daily dramas were over the Sun shimmies into your sector of commitment and intimacy taking everything to a whole new, deeper level! Is there a big fat elephant in the room? Do you need answers? There’s no better time to face the music and help the awkwardness to dissipate.
July 23-August 22
Today you’ll be filled with a sense of invincibility perhaps, from having faced a fear or dealt with a confrontation, which could compel you to push the envelope even further. Don’t abandon your usual guidelines and if you don’t have any get some! You’ll benefit more from sticking to what you know and staying within your limits.
August 23-September 22
In recent months it’s been difficult to know whether you’re coming or going as circumstances beyond your control have been pulling the strings. Today though you’ll feel energised, decisive, assertive and effective, with your actions having an instant and effortless feel. With your charisma back in form an exotic stranger could become a sexy distraction.
September 23-October 22
Your finances may have been quite chaotic thanks to the stars encouraging you to spend. Today though you’ll regain your senses and will take greater care with your expenses. Capitalising on your greatest assets – charm, diplomacy and style - could lead to a higher paid position or grab the attention of the powers that be, and it won’t cost a cent!
October 23 – November 22
If you’re looking for peace and a quiet home is the last place you’ll find it! The stars charge into your domestic sector energising your abode so while there mightn’t be comings and goings there will be lots of activity. Any tension brewing with household members will also reach fever pitch. Your intuition will be heightened so pay attention to it.
November 23-December 20
You’re a very tolerant person but today that stretched rubber band may snap! You won’t suffer fools nor will you have a filter, both of which could lead to a hurtful tirade. If someone has been perpetually getting on your nerves choose your words wisely and let them know in the nicest possible way.
December 21-January 19
If you’ve been down on yourself about not achieving a long-term goal perhaps it’s time you tried a different strategy. Firstly, have you been realistic with your timeframe? If there’s anything in impeding your progress what can you do to eliminate it? Last of all, be totally honest and ask yourself if you’ve tried hard enough.
January 20-February 18
When it comes to relationships, fireworks and excitement aren’t the be all and end all. As the sign associated with friendship it is the cornerstone of a healthy union. A shift in dynamics may show a person in a completely different light making you become suddenly drawn to someone you previously regarded as purely platonic.
February 19-March 20
Magic abounds - it’s just a matter of spotting it. Today you’ll be more in touch with the higher realms helping you to join the dots. This is the perfect time to ask for a sign from your angels. Regarding a project don’t fret over the right starting point. Begin anywhere and let a pattern to your passion emerge.
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