April 20-May 20
You're highly reliable and capable but the odds are you probably don't have superpowers. Even though you could pull off an ambitious project it's important to be realistic and not take on more than you can handle. You may even need to lower your expectations a tad and silence your inner critic. Also tune out negative comments.
May 21-June 21
Ruled by Mercury, the celestial communicator and brainiac, you're a natural when it comes to talking to others. In fact, it's part of your core. During this climate though your traditional way of relating probably isn't possible. With the stars encouraging you to reach and share you'll be even more keen to express yourself. Thank goodness for digital connectivity!
June 22-July 22
Plans for a relaxing day getting a massage, DIY facial or getting together with the family may need to be put on hold or at least downsized. Duty will call from several directions, namely work, friends and family. The key to managing it all without losing your mind in the process is to regroup and prioritise.
July 23-August 22
You usually give people the straight dope and shoot from the hip. Thankfully your charisma rounds off the rough edges of your delivery. Today though you may be less inclined to sugar coat - even your tough love version - and could be downright offensive. Therefore, it's best to only offer advice when it's asked for.
August 23-September 22
Sophisticated Virgos have great taste which usually equates to greater expense. If you haven't been able to splash out on something glorious whether it's a necessity or accessory today you will find the means to do so. However, with your innate business acumen you'll be able to bag a bargain with some research and haggling.
September 23-October 22
Although you're great at reading the room as an air sign you tend to heavily rely on logic, it's just the way you're built. Today though you'll feel far more emotional than usual and will be inclined to go with your gut rather than cold, hard facts, especially when it comes to trusting one person's word over another.
October 23 – November 22
The stars in your spiritual zone are inspiring you to cleanse your aura with a dip in the ocean or long bath, smudge your space with sage and balance your chakras. It's also the ideal time to throw out dated things and ideas. Your finely honed instincts will be even more spot on so don’t neglect any ‘funny feelings’.
November 23-December 20
A stellar line up in your friendship sector makes this the ideal time to socialise and catch up with your nearest and dearest friends. Unfortunately large intimate dinners aren't quite the done thing so improvise. Use whatever technology you have to bond with your posse or perhaps an entirely new group of internet people with common problems, causes and beliefs.
December 21-January 19
Sick of the same old hair? Can’t remember the last time you added a splash of colour or style to your wardrobe? Need to readjust or claim your own fashion sense? It’s time for operation image overhaul! The stars are encouraging you to try something different preferably radical. If you lean towards subtle you may get lost in the mix.
January 20-February 18
A change is as good as a holiday. And for most of us, jet setting and visiting other locations is out of the question. However there are ways to broaden your horizons - brush up on your French, drag your partner to an online salsa club or enrol in some sort of evening or online course.
February 19-March 20
Today is all about moderation. You can be an extremist, especially when it comes to string your senses but think, less is more. You'll also be far more lucid, ambitious and clear about what you want to achieve whether it's on a domestic level, morally or in regards to your belief system. Inner peace is on the way!