April 20-May 20
Sometimes you need to take a step backwards in order to move forward. Today you may feel inclined to delve into the past and get to the root of a deep-seated fear or something that has been holding you back. Once you find the missing piece to the puzzle your emotional growth and spirit will flourish!
May 21-June 21
When was the last time you splashed out on something you've wanted for ages or simply spoilt yourself for no particular reason? Venus shifts from your sign into your financial sector encouraging you to spend on some much-needed self care or put you might put any extra money towards a startup or a side hustle.
June 22-July 22
Loving Venus moves into your sign today bringing out all of your outstanding qualities. You'll also feel more relaxed and peaceful. With you feeling sensual, sexy and passionate so your partner is in for a treat. If you're single, global circumstances may prevent you from meeting someone in the flesh but you can go on a digital date.
July 23-August 22
If you’ve been deeply ensconced in your work and routines then it’s time to bring some balance back into your life. Take a break and make some time to relax or you simply won’t feel whole and make take it out on those around you. Subconscious issues will also come to the surface allowing you to deal with them.
August 23-September 22
As of today and over the next month you'll feel a tremendous urge to be with friends as Venus moves into your social sector. Okay, it may not be possible to go out and party but you can still have zoom cocktails or a movie night with a small and safe number of nearest and dearest.
September 23-October 22
Over the next month you'll be in your element as ruler Venus struts into your sector of image and career. Your form will be irresistible with even your toughest critics and most obnoxious colleagues eating out of your palm. Don't take things lying down or wait for your opinion and be more proactive in and out of the office.
October 23 – November 22
Certain restrictions may still be in place or escalated but with Venus moving into your sector associated with adventure and travel it need not prevent you from broadening your horizons. Now, more than ever, it's the best time to explore places in your own neighbourhood or state, learn a new language online or delve into Japanese cooking!
November 23-December 20
If you've been waiting for the green light in regards to a loan today will be the start of an influx of good luck and positive outcomes! Venus has moved into your sector of other people's money. And as opposed to your own money sector this place is known for bringing about inheritances, windfalls and investors.
December 21-January 19
You're usually not one for public displays of affection and certainly aren't the mushy type. However, over the next month Venus in your relationship sector is going to bring out your soft hidden but very much there amorous romantic side. Rather than spouting poetry and words of love you're likely to let romantic gestures speak volumes.
January 20-February 18
As one of the sharpest tools in the shed it's easy for you to become quietly frustrated with others who aren't as up to speed. However, today and over the next month you'll enjoy the company of colleagues whether it's face to face or via technology and will relish brainstorming and being part of a team.
February 19-March 20
You're known for having a great imagination and being easily inspired. And now, artistic ideas that have been brewing will gain traction thanks to Venus entering your sector of creativity. These may vary from honing a hobby to making a website for your own unique designs. With clever Mercury in your sector of productivity you'll have the motivation to succeed.