When bushfires razed the outskirts of Tumbarumba in southern New South Wales on New Year's Eve, residents on the forest fringes lost everything: their houses, stock, infrastructure and livelihoods.
Key points:
- It's estimated more than 50,000 hectares of pine plantation in southern NSW was lost in the Black Summer bushfires
- Tumbarumba's Hyne Timber mill has lost 40 per cent of its future plantation wood supply
- The timber industry is seeking federal freight subsidies to haul logs from other regions to sustain local mills
They also lost an estimated 25,000 hectares of native bush and 50,000 hectares of pine plantations that encircle towns like Tumbarumba and Tumut.
The loss of forest, especially pine plantations, means a cloud of economic uncertainty hangs over the region.
At Tumbarumba, Hyne Timber directly employs 230 people and just as many indirectly. It's one of the largest sawmills in the southern hemisphere.
The loss of plantation pine has immense implications.
"That's about 40 per cent of our available logs going forward, so it's a substantial impact to us in the future," mill manager Marcus Fenske said.
CEO of the Australian Forest Products Association Ross Hampton said the shortfall would have serious consequences.
"That would have been the raw materials that would have gone into those manufacturing plants in places like Bombala, and Tumut and Tumbarumba, and that's going to have a long-term impact on those communities," he said.
"It really is a story that Australians need to hear because we have had a major hit to what is really one of our major regional industries in Australia, that's the timber industries."
Faced with a shortage of local logs, the timber industry wants the Federal Government to provide freight subsidies to make it viable to haul sawlogs hundreds of kilometres from other regions to the district's timber mills.
So far, it has been unsuccessful; it doesn't qualify for any of the $600 million in federal bushfire recovery funding.
Hyne Timber estimates it will have to spend an additional $10 million a year, at a time when margins are slim.
A race against the clock
The company is racing to salvage as much of the fire-killed blackened timber while they can.
In a nearly cleared glade in the Bago Forest, Ged Back spends long days operating a log-loader, plucking freshly sawn pine logs from neat piles with a giant mechanical claw and loading them onto trucks to be hauled to a mill.
Since the age of 14, he has spent most of his working life in the bush. Now 68, his high-visibility vest is grease-stained and blackened with ash.
"I've got enough fire-killed timber to last till I'm 70," he joked.
By then, it will be too late to salvage any more of the fire-killed pine trees, as the elements will have rendered them useless as timber.
"They talk about it being between nine months and a year that we've got for the log that has been burnt, getting it off the stump and into the mill," Mr Fenske said.
At Hyne Timber, an immense log pile feeds the mill at a voracious rate, sawing 7,500 logs a day into structural timber.
If laid end to end, it would reach Melbourne, 500 kilometres away.
The sawdust powers the mill's furnaces and the residue goes to Tumut's Visy paper mill.
However, charcoal from the burnt logs is causing problems with the machinery.
"We have to deal with a lot of dust that comes with the burnt log," Mr Fenske said.
"We have to use a lot of water to suppress that dust and that often causes other issues that the plant is just not designed to deal with."
At the paper mill, ash residue is also making it difficult to create white paper from blackened timber.
Even if the wood is salvaged, timber will be in short supply in the future.
It takes pine trees 30 years to grow large enough to be used for structural timber, and much of the fire-killed harvest is decades younger.
Governments in past decades had aimed to have 3 million hectares of plantation timber by 2020, but that number is 1 million hectares short.
An unforgettable ordeal
At work amongst the blackened trees, forester Billie-Jo Brown relives bushfire trauma every day.
"We certainly haven't been able to forget about the fires; this is our everyday," she said.
"In the native forest industry, it might be 60 to 80 years before we see some of these forests back to the way they were."
She draws comfort, however, from the landscape's resilience and regeneration.
"We've still got black logs, but it's good to see the orchids coming through, the baby [mountain] ash," she said.
Watch this story on ABC TV's Landline at 12:30pm on Sunday, or on iview.