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Posted: 2020-04-03 13:00:00

So today, even as the skies, roads and seas of the world empty of polluting engines, as factories shut down and power plants reduce their output and emissions due to the lockdown of around three billion people, scientists fret that governments will be sapped of the energy, will and treasure they will need to tackle climate change once the economy is kickstarted.

The debate over how governments rebuild economies after the peak of the pandemic has become the new front line of the climate war.

The decisions that governments make over the next few weeks over their economies will also decide whether or not the world avoids the worst climate impacts, says Anna Skarbek, director of ClimateWorks, a policy research centre associated with Monash University.

As with other experts contacted by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, Skarbek understands the decision to defer the Glasgow talks, saying that holding them next year gives governments the opportunity to develop stimulus measures in line with Paris goals.

“For the climate this is the time of greatest risk but also of greatest opportunity,” she says.

Should governments spend wisely they can decarbonise their economies even more quickly than they had expected to. “The flipside is that if they don’t, it is a double negative,” she said.

Rather than creating green economies as they seek to spend their way out of the crisis, they will lock in dirty industries, equipment and infrastructure and be left unable to act due to eye-watering deficits in the last critical decade we have to avert the predicted catastrophe.

She notes that the infrastructure, plant and equipment Australian consumers, business and governments choose to spend on now will have a direct impact on outcomes in 2030 and 2050. Climate change, she says, is no longer a future problem.

This weekend ClimateWorks brought forward the release of a major research project it has conducted into how Australia could use available technology to meet critical emissions targets.

Though couched in determinedly positive terms, the careful language of the report, Decarbonisation Futures, is telling. It outlines how Australians might still have a two in three chance to meet targets consistent with averting the worst predicted climate outcomes.

Decarbonisation Futures scenarios show that Australia can still reduce emissions in line with limiting the temperature rise to 2 degrees – and if governments, businesses and individuals go ‘all-in’, a 1.5-degree limit could be within reach,” it says.

According to the report, over the past five years technological hurdles have already been overcome that allow for drastic decreases in emissions associated with Australia’s power generation, building stock, transport, industry and agriculture sectors.

Though some commentators have called for the government to abandon its climate action as a result of the pandemic, an unusual consensus is emerging that Australia should maintain its commitments and calling on the government to invest in climate action to drive economic recovery.

Opposition climate change and energy spokesman Mark Butler said the Australian Labor Party continues to back the emissions reduction commitment under the Paris climate agreement, which requires a cut of 26 to 28 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030.

Butler urged the government to go further and set a net zero emissions target, arguing the government should stimulate economic recovery with investment in green energy and emissions reduction technology.

“Australia will need investment in job creation industries, like renewables, storage and hydrogen, to renew our ageing and increasingly unreliable power grid but also to keep power prices down for struggling households and businesses,” Butler said.

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor speaks during Question Time in February, flanked by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor speaks during Question Time in February, flanked by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor said he remained "committed to the Paris Agreement" and would continue to develop a long-term emissions reduction strategy, to be released sometime before the next round of UN climate talks.

Sceptics note that though the government voices its support for technologically-driven climate solutions, it still has not revealed its plans.

In February Taylor said Australia would release a long-term emissions reduction strategy ahead of the Glasgow climate talks, which were set for November. He also said the government would release at an unspecified date a Technology Investment Roadmap as part of its strategy. With COP26 delayed until further notice, it is unclear when this work will be completed and made public.

Either way, the Morrison government stops short of a net zero emissions target, which climate scientists say is required to limit global warming to under two degrees Celsius by 2050, and will likely use “carry-over credits” gained by exceeding the previous Kyoto climate agreement to meet about half the emissions reduction required under Paris.


During a December UN climate conference Australia was widely criticised for its insistence on counting carry-over credits.

Laurence Tubiana, the former French environment minister and one of the key architects of the Paris agreement, described Australia’s position as “cheating”, saying “Australia was willing … to destroy the whole [Paris] system”.

Few experts expect the current fall in emissions due to the pandemic to afford the world much breathing space to deal with climate change, no matter how significant they become.

“I expect coronavirus to have more of an impact but we simply don’t know what will happen in the future,” ANU Climate Change Institute director Mark Howden said.

“Cancelling the Glasgow talks means the conversations that could’ve helped change the emissions trajectory may come too late now, which means we need a national conversation on climate change.”

Howden said global emissions fell about three per cent during the Global Financial Crisis and took just two years to rebound to the previous level.

The Australian Industry Group and even the Minerals Council of Australia called for the government to invest in emissions reduction technology in the wake of coronavirus.

This sentiment is echoed around the world, at least rhetorically. The EU’s climate chief Frans Timmermans said in a statement: “As for the European Commission, we will not slow down our work domestically or internationally to prepare for an ambitious COP26, when it takes place.”


Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told InsideClimate News that the postponement might even make it easier for participants to deal with the potential re-election of the climate sceptic US President Donald Trump, who has already announced he plans to abandon the Paris agreement in the days following the US election in November.

"With this scenario at least you have clarity on who the president is well before the meeting," Meyer said. "And in a Trump scenario, they would have more than six days to think through the implications of four more years of Trump and figure out their response."

Despite overwhelming global support for the efforts there is already evidence that the pandemic is damaging climate action.

Just days before the meeting was suspended Japan, the nation with the world’s fifth-largest economy and third-largest carbon footprint, announced its renewed Paris targets, essentially locking in the same goals it committed to five years ago.

Kat Kramer, a climate expert at the charity Christian Aid, called Japan's plan “an international disgrace”. “The fact they are smuggling it out during a global pandemic when it will avoid the scrutiny it deserves is shameful,” she added.

The Trump administration cited coronavirus last month as it announced a sweeping relaxation of regulations against pollution from power stations and industry and the abandonment of Obama-era automobile fuel efficiency standards, a move that will result in the emission of a billion more tonnes of greenhouse gases over the next five years.

China is also considering abandoning car emissions standards, according to a Bloomberg report.

In the first three weeks of March the Chinese government approved more new coal-fired power plants than it did during all of 2019.


And even if world leaders do use the postponement of the Glasgow talks to incorporate carbon emissions reductions into their post-pandemic stimulus plans, experts warn that any delay means that subsequent reductions will have to be even steeper and more shocking to economies.

"The science tells us emissions must peak this year if we want to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius,” Christiana Figueres, who served as UN climate chief between 2011 and 2016, said in a statement this week. “And the Paris agreement set the COP26 summit as the moment when all countries would ramp up their targets in line with the steep emissions decline we need to see in this decisive next decade.”

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