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Posted: 2020-01-26 21:45:54

April 20-May 20

Work can get you down but only if you're not using your creativity to discover new solutions to old problems. You could be stuck in a rut and working with the same old people. You're probably frustrated that they aren't exactly reciprocating the right sort of energy back to you. You must take the initiative to change this scenario if you want to work for better changes all round as well. Keep your compass pointing north today and don't get side-tracked. Give yourself a treat and switch off for a while if you can.


May 21-June 21

You could be embarrassed into making a show of goodwill and this will be against your better judgement. In fact, to save face or rather should I say keep your ego intact, you will act in a manner which is contrary to what your heart is telling you. It doesn't matter if you don't live up to the expectations or standards of someone else today. Live by your own standards. Today you may have to play guru, channelling all sorts of weird and wonderful advice to those around you. You may enjoy some selfless services.


June 22-July 22

Sometimes it's difficult to accept things as they so it's best to simply go with the flow. Even if there are challenges in your environment and from people, you must, as Bruce Lee once said: Be like water. Water is fluid and adaptable, finally overcoming all obstacles in its path. You must adjust yourself like water to the surroundings you find yourself in. Shortly you'll find yourself in the right place at the right time and that belief has to be developed if you're going to find some measure of peace.


July 23-August 22

It's time to stop pushing and start trusting the universe a little more and in this way, you'll relieve yourself of a great deal of heaviness you been feeling. It's important to remember that you're simply scoping out the territory of your life to try to understand more clearly what you want to do. That's not necessarily easy. Ignore the naysayers and if possible disregard their company completely. You feel as though you're taking one step forward and three backwards. Accept what needs to be done to resolve conflicts.


August 23-September 22

You are restless today and people will probably notice this. You could be out of step with your friends and work colleagues and they will possibly avoid you. Slow things down then bring your internal energies under control. When discussing financial matters, try to be clear and concise. You don't want to give mixed messages to others. You mustn't venture into discussions on which you have little or no expertise. You can't possibly go wrong if you ask questions. This will save you any embarrassment.


September 23-October 22

Humility is your keyword today, especially where finances are concerned. You may need to analyse where you are gaining the most benefits. Discard activities that are time-consuming and yield very little by way of not only money but also personal satisfaction. You may forget something important today, like an appointment or some cash. Write yourself a reminder to jog your memory. This may also be a prompt to get a better diary and schedule in place. Some opportunity through the help of your family leads to a breakthrough.


October 23 – November 22

The future of your work is now looking bright with some change in your routine. Someone may extend their hand in friendship or offer a key that affects your future positively. Why not take it and run with it? Opportunities don't often come along consider it carefully. The current trend should be noted on this matter. Your past actions are now coming to completion and new opportunities are going to appear magically on your doorstep. A pressing issue may, however, hold things up for the moment.


November 23-December 20

ou'll receive a mandate from your peers to act as a go-between in some hostility. At home, you have to protect or defend someone you love. If you're out of shape physically, don't overdo exercise or gym workouts now. Start slowly and build up your stamina. You have to perform a juggling act at present between your work and personal commitments. That'll be hard but you can do it. If you're single and looking for love but also need your freedom you'll be waiting a while longer. Avoid serious topics to reduce domestic tension.


December 21-January 19

Passion in relationships pushes you to extremes and youll either feel it yourself or attract others whose desires are powerful. This time can be about obsession, sexuality and power in relationships. You can also deepen your understanding of what you value most in people. You could find yourself in a battle of wills with someone, which is like the proverbial immovable object being hit by an irresistible force. Compromise. A family reunion is an ideal way to bring relatives together.


January 20-February 18

Take full advantage of the fortunate vibes that are now around you. The caution here is that you could be occupied by many different interests. It's imperative to focus on one of your activities to the exclusion of all else. Discard activities that are excessively eroding your time. That has little or no value to you. If you must resume a relationship that had fallen by the wayside but does so with certain caveats. There are adjustments to deal with in your work, such as a supervisor or co-worker exerting pressure on you.


February 19-March 20

You're starting to realise that mental states do indeed have a strong influence on your well-being. Worrying makes matters worse but you're able to now start containing that and redirect this energy into more positive outlets. If you've persistently harboured negative feelings you're able to eliminate this knowing it will positively impact your health over time. You need to do something innovative, daring and unusual during this cycle. You're inclined to act on some wilder impulses and this may, in fact, be a lot of fun.

Hedy Damari is currently on leave. For more horoscope readings visit 9Honey. Horoscope readings provided by Dadhichi Toth,

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