This has spawned the development of funds and strategies aimed at catering to the outcomes youth want from their investments. ‘Impact Investing’ is one that is creating plenty of interest particularly in the US and Europe.
While companies and funds are now very tuned into the increasing use of the Environmental Social and Governance screening, Impact Investing takes it up a notch.
Rather than the ESG focus of ensuring the avoidance of investing in companies that produce a negative impact - on the likes of health, gambling or carbon footprints, Impact Investing looks to actively generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return."
Put simply this is about the convergence of purpose and profit.
And it is this philosophy of investing that is capturing the hearts, minds and ultimately the wallets of those who are still fairly new to the workforce.
Interest in this type of investing is not just confined to younger demographics but this segment (which has been extensively studied and tested) are measuring much higher levels of interest in, and commitment to, the social outcomes of investing.
Among those taking an early interest in these changing patterns in generational investing is Credit Suisse. It has appointed its former head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets in Europe the Middle East and Africa, Marisa Drew to lead the Impact Investment push.
The environment will feature more in investment decisions by younger generations.Credit:Louise Kennerley
Drew has observed that even in the years between 2015 and 2017 the interest from millennials had growth. She said when millennials were polled in 2015, 43 per cent were interested in impact investing and 17 per cent had already invested. Two years later the same polling showed that interest from this demographic had grown to 52 per cent and 30 per cent had invested.
The older the group the less interest was found in Impact Investing. Only 30 per cent of baby boomers polled any interest at all in this kind of socially progressive investment.
‘So the energy is coming from this millennial crowd’, Drew notes.
We see a lot of the agitation from private clients wanting to get involved in sustainable investing is coming from the nextgen. I see this group is almost militant in their belief that they want their money to be invested for good purpose. They say things like "When I get the money, I am going to do it (invest) differently'."
Most millennials are not yet at the stage of investing but their patterns of consuming are already demonstrating a different criteria as they vote with their consumer wallet.
Drew provides the example of organic food. Younger generations have shown a far greater interest in finding out where their food is coming from - for instance whether it’s pesticide and hormone free.
There was a school of thought even seven years ago that no one would pay more for organic food. It is now a rapidly growing sector.
Drew points out that if you asked a restaurant for a vegan dish 20 years ago one would have been considered strange but these days every menu has vegan or gluten-free options. Supplying this market is now a big industry.
The food industry has been shaken up.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen
She says it’s young adults are forcing the plastics issue and pushing for solar panels and electric cars.
In fashion, they are pushing to check supply chains. US clothing company Patagonia, Drew says, owes much of its success to its policy of recycling old clothes.
All these and plenty more are youth-led agendas.
While these Impact Investment trends are not clearly in evidence in Australia or Asia, they have taken a bigger hold in the US and particularly in Europe.
It will be one to watch.
Elizabeth Knight comments on companies, markets and the economy.