The figures continue a trend that emerged last September when the show fell below 200,000 metro viewers, prompting renewed scrutiny on Stefanovic's role in its flagging numbers and his eventual axing in December.
It also reverses a slight boost that greeted the show's ratings following its pre-Christmas bloodletting, which saw it briefly bounce to 240,000 viewers.
Nine declined to comment on the figures, but a source within the network shrugged off concern, describing Today's renewed ratings battle - led by hosts Georgie Gardner and Deb Knight - as "a marathon, not a sprint".
Echoing the numbers, Today's re-launch on Monday - which introduced new presenters Tom Steinfort, Brooke Boney and Tony Jones - was coolly received online, with negative feedback flooding the show's social media channels and viewers labelling the team's dynamics as "boring" and "dull".