You might assume these trends mean young women are doing better than young men in the jobs market. But it’s not that straightforward.
Research shows male school leavers have a much wider range of attractive post-school options than their female counterparts and that often leads to better employment outcomes.
One factor is the relatively high status and pay of male-dominated trades.
Melbourne University’s Professor John Polesel, who has studied what young people do once they finish year 12, says male school leavers are much more likely to do an apprenticeship in occupations like plumbing or carpentry, which remain a reliable pathway to well-paid, secure work.
“We know those apprenticeships have very strong long-term outcomes,” he says.
A tiny share of female school leavers does an apprenticeship and most of them are in a single occupation not normally as well-paid as plumbing or electrical work: hairdressing.
The upshot? For female school leavers most pathways other than university are unlikely to lead to a well-paid job with good conditions. That’s helping to drive the growing gender imbalance in higher education.
“As a young woman in Australia you’re pretty much relegated to a low-level job unless you go to university,” says Jenny Chesters from Melbourne University’s Graduate School of Education.
Even at university there are telling gender differences that have lasting repercussions in the jobs market.
If you break down the fields of university study by gender it shows women are much more likely to choose health, education, creative arts and society and culture.
Men are highly represented in sciences, infotech, engineering, management and commerce.
Analysis by the federal government’s Workplace Gender Equity Agency shows that in the field of engineering and related technologies men comprise 84.4 per cent of enrolments while in the education field women accounted for 75 per cent of enrolments.
The fields of study where men predominate tend to lead to jobs that are better paid that those typically chosen by women.
“There is difference in the status and pay in jobs those different courses will lead to and it is still very much in favour of the courses that young men are going into,” says Professor Polesel.
Women are investing more than ever in tertiary education but, for many, the pay off is disappointing.
A survey conducted by Sydney University’s Women’s Working Futures Project found only 26 per cent of women workers aged between 16 and 40 years strongly agreed that their job allowed them to use all their skills and abilities.
For female school leavers who move directly into the workforce without any further education the picture is especially gloomy.
Professor Polesel’s investigation found two thirds of all female year-12 completers not in education or training were employed in just two sectors: retail sales or community and personal services. Both are marked by low pay and relatively insecure work conditions.
Young male year 12 completers not in education or training were spread across a much broader range of occupations including drivers, machinery operators, labourers and technicians.
“They have much greater choice,” says Polesel.
Young women not in education or training were also much more likely to be working part-time than their male counterparts.
Professor Polesel found one in eight male year 12 completers not in education or training had a full-time job but among females the share was only about one in 20.
Research published this month by the Brotherhood of St Laurence shows underemployment – the share of part-timers who would like more work - among young people is now much higher than in the past. In October this year 15.9 per cent of workers aged 20–24 said they were underemployed compared with only 2.4 per cent in 1978.
But the problem is especially acute for young women – their rate of underemployment is nearly twice that of young men.
“I don’t think this is because they want to work part-time but because there is not much full-time work for young females in Australia,” says Polesel.
Deep-seated social norms underpin the highly gendered patterns of work and study identified by Professor Polesel.
One factor is the blokey cultures in some occupations which mean they are “not very female friendly”.
The different choices available to girls and boys leaving school have far-reaching consequences for women’s economic security.
They help explain the persistent gender pay gap in the Australian workforce – the average full-time wage for men has hovered between 14 per cent and 19 per cent higher than the average full-time wage for women since the mid-1990s.
“Young women are sometimes being portrayed as a newly advantaged group and young men as the newly disadvantaged because they are less likely to go to uni,” says Polesel. “But it’s just not that simple.”
Matt is a senior writer for The Sydney Morning Herald.