FIFA, against Mussolini's fascist backdrop, decree Italy must qualify - the first and only time a host nation had to. Italy beat Greece 4-0 in the first qualifier leg then persuade their opponents the second leg isn't needed - the clincher is Italy's promise to build a property in Athens for the Greek Football Association. Italy go on to win the Cup.
With Europe in turmoil and Spain gripped by civil war, 16 countries qualify but only 15 turn up - though Austria had a good excuse for their absence: their country had ceased to exist, annexed into Nazi Germany.
Dutch East Indies were there: they didn't play a qualifying match due to Japan's withdrawal. And they'll forever hold a World Cup record: the only nation to have played just one World Cup game - a 6-0 loss to Hungary in the knock-out tournament.
India, whose players shun wearing boots, qualify for the cup. They arrive, then depart without playing a game: they withdrew when FIFA enforced a compulsory footwear rule. India haven't qualified since.
CHILE 1962
The hosts were upset pre-tournament by Italian journalists who described Chile as a country of "undernourishment, illiteracy ... and general misery". When the nations met on the field, Italy players tried to make peace by offering carnations to Chilean players - offers refused. A violent match ensued with referee Ken Ashton summing it up: "I wasn't reffing a football match, I was an umpire in military manoeuvres".
In England's quarter-final against Brazil, a black dog runs onto the field, dodging players until captured by Englishman Jimmy Greaves. The mutt urinates on Greaves as he takes it from the field, prompting Brazil's Garrincha to adopt the pooch as a lucky mascot.
The trophy was stolen before the tournament won by England, 4-2 against West Germany. The prized trophy, wrapped in newspaper and thrown in an East London hedge, was found by a dog named Pickles. The dog's owner got a stg5000 reward - five times what the England players received for winning the trophy.
USA 1994
During the opening ceremony, before a sell-out 65,00 crowd and billions watching on television, a trap-door on the stage jams and Latino singer Jon Secada stumbles and dislocates a shoulder. He perform with just his head and shoulders poking through a hole on the stage.
Oprah Winfrey then falls as she exits the stage after introducing songstress Diana Ross, whose voice magically is heard despite her microphone often being nowhere near her mouth. Ross is set up to score a penalty to declare the cup open. She misses. Yet the goal posts and net split, supposedly from the force of the shot. Hats off to a British tabloid headline: Miss Diana Ross.
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