
Malcolm Turnbull has some helpful suggestions about the optimum type of grass farmers in drought can grow, and he sang the virtues of harvesting mulga trees as an alternative feed for cattle.
But will the in-depth knowledge of farming he demonstrated on this week's drought 'listening tour', translate to helping farmers better prepare and manage in future?
Many rural Australians would have rolled their eyes at the images of the PM and his Nationals colleagues squatting and inspecting dry earth. They might be convinced they have witnessed it all before.

Some were asking why they showed up at all if they didn't have anything to announce.
But rural advocates are quietly buoyed by the PM's approach, and say he genuinely wanted to better understand the complexities of drought and the problems with the current policies.
He impressed local mayors at a private meeting in Trangie, in New South Wales, by typing up personal notes about what they told him.
After dark, he dined informally and alone with experts from the New South Wales rural services. His interest and enthusiasm is important to Australia's $50 billion agricultural export industry.
What's been the problem with drought policy?
For decades, successive state and federal governments struggled to find a permanent policy solution to the persistent problem of drought on farmers. But more recently, things started to take shape.
Finding the best approach has long been controversial because taxpayers have generally had to help fund it.
Broadly speaking, the public appears to support the idea of taxpayer dollars being used to help farmers put food on the table.
But they are less sympathetic when the money goes towards propping up farm businesses, given that other battling enterprises do not have that luxury.
There are also concerns (including amongst some farmers) that cockies who receive government support do not always use it wisely.
A 2011 drought review panel listened and watched as women wept with gratitude for the former Labor government's Farm Household Allowance (FHA).
It's an income support program, paid at the Newstart rate, that goes directly to the recipient rather than the bank. The FHA makes it easier for families to pay school fees and buy groceries, without the stress and embarrassment of having to beg the bank.
The other main support the government offers is low-interest concessional loans. They are available for up to 10 years at a variable concessional rate of 0.39 per cent, and can help businesses survive drought and prepare for the next one.
But farmers have to pay the money back. The theory is, it leaves farmers with an obligation to make their businesses more sustainable.
State agencies who have administered loans also report that the scheme puts pressure on the banks to become more competitive in the farm finance market.
But both the FHA and the concessional loans scheme have been plagued with problems over the years, including laborious application processes, bureaucracy, eligibility issues and lengthy wait times.
The frustration farmers have reported can be dangerous in the middle of a drought, when stress levels are high and people are cash-poor.
As former American president Dwight Eisenhower once said:
"Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from a cornfield."
Will 'listening and learning' lead to anything?
Drought is an emotional, contentious topic. Some would argue that the middle of a drought is not the best time to be making clear-eyed policy decisions.
But privately, people involved in this week's drought tour are relieved the Government did not make any knee-jerk, flashy announcements. People want to see a detailed, thorough response that addresses the needs of different communities.
There was some talk Mr Turnbull might announce an extension to the Farm Household Allowance, to extend the cut-off period beyond three years.
That is something the Government is considering. There was also talk this week about the merits of a "farm income insurance" scheme, although the details are not clear.
While parts of western Queensland and New South Wales are going through a devastatingly dry time, the positive is that livestock prices — mainly sheep — remain strong.
The Government's low-interest Farm Management Deposit fund — where farmers can put away money when times are good and withdraw it when things head south — currently contains more than $7 billion.
So the Prime Minister's decision not to rush into announcements this week was sensible. It suggests there is a commitment to tailoring any response to the needs of local areas, once state counterparts have been consulted.

But if nothing does come of it, people in rural Australia will be rightly disappointed and bemused, and the tour will have proven to be tokenism.
Another sidenote is whether the Prime Minister's romantic throwbacks to Dorothea Mackellar's famous poem My Country indicate he wants climate change to be part of the discussion.
"Mother nature can be cruel," he conceded. "We are the land of droughts and flooding rains."
He took the opportunity to declare, "The climate is changing. I know it becomes a political debate. But there's no doubt that our climate is getting warmer".
That no doubt upset some of his conservative colleagues, who rolled him as leader in opposition because he supported an emissions trading scheme.
Former Nationals leader John Anderson cautioned the PM not to politicise drought by attributing it to climate change.
But not everyone appeared to be irked, including Agriculture Minister and Nationals MP David Littleproud, who said climate change was a "real issue we need to address".
He pointed out that states had already agreed to "put an investment into transitioning farmers in a changing environment, a changing climate".
It will be interesting to see whether climate change becomes a bigger part of the Coalition's drought narrative, particularly as Labor could go to the next federal election promising to reinstate climate policies such as the Carbon Farming Initiative.
At least this drought tour appeared to be more about policy than poetry.
Topics: government-and-politics, agricultural-policy, rural, environmental-policy, disasters-and-accidents, drought, australia
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