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Posted: 2018-06-03 01:56:35

Vivid Live: Solange
Opera House Concert Hall, June 1


Her sister Beyonce might be the bigger star but on this night Solange Knowles definitely had the bigger planet.

Solange Knowles performs at the Sydney Opera House, June 1, 2018 as part of the VIVID Live festival.

Solange Knowles performs at the Sydney Opera House, June 1, 2018 as part of the VIVID Live festival.

Photo: Daniel Boud

A massive white orb, suspended above an in-the-round stage and flanked by two white pyramids, was a fitting backdrop for this 70 minutes of otherworldly yet socially conscious soul.

Solange's third and latest album, 2016's A Seat at the Table, mixes electronica and jazz with R&B, so it was reassuring to see a full horn and rhythm section file on to strike up the fanfare of opener Rise.

That was temporarily drowned out as the 31-year-old herself appeared, harmonising and sashaying in effortless sync with her two backing singers.

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