12 things you should be organizing with Command Hooks
Mount tablets around the house
Secure trash bags
Hang a basket inside a cabinet door
Hang aluminum foil and cling wrap
Hang a hair dryer under the bathroom sink
Mount your router to the wall
Cable management
Store headphones on your monitor
Secure a measuring cup on a storage container
Hang sunglasses by the door
Hang a clipboard
Hang belts in the closet
If, like me, you have a mostly open design standing desk, you know just how problematic cable management can be. But you can tame the cables using just two Command Hooks.
Group the cables together so that they all come to the underside of the desk at the same point. Pull them taut and adhere a Command Hook where it will hold the cables with a small amount of tension. This will keep them inside the shallow hook.
Take the second Command Hook and place it facing the opposite direction, close to the leg of the desk. Make sure this hook is placed so that it maintains the tension on the cables. With this setup, the hooks are pulling against one another, gently, but enough so that the cables stay in place but aren't difficult to reposition or readjust, if needed.
Since the second hook is near one of the legs, you can then use velcro straps or another tie method to group and hide them behind the leg.