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Posted: 2018-05-13 07:10:15

“Women are not a minority in the world, yet the current state of our industry says
otherwise,” said Blanchett.

“As women, we all face our own unique challenges, but we stand together on these stairs today as a symbol of our determination and commitment to progress … We stand in solidarity with women in all industries.”

Blanchett had previously said that a photograph of the festival’s winners brought home to her
“what was literally wrong with this picture”: a single female face, that of Jane Campion, among a sea of 71 men.

Jane Campion won the festival’s top award, the Palme D’Or, in 1986 for The Piano. Agnes Varda was awarded an honorary Palme for lifetime achievement in 2015, at the age of 87.

A big crowd turned out to see the march, which preceded the screening of French director Eva
Husson’s drama about a Kurdish women’s unit fighting in Syria, Girls of the Sun.

Husson is one of just three women with films in a competition of 21 films.

Festival director Thierry Fremaux has repeatedly said that while the festival aims to have equal numbers of women and men on juries and working behind the scenes, films will only be selected on the basis of artistic merit.

Both the march and a conference to take place on Monday are organised by a French industry
organisation with a name suggesting that this argument won’t be acceptable for long: 5050 x 2020.

Fremaux is due to take part in the conference, along with French Culture Minister Francoise

A festival bulletin flagged that it would include “signing of concrete, strong commitments, with diversity and parity guidelines”.

Whether those commitments meet the challenges thrown out in the speech delivered by Blanchett and Varda remains to be seen.

These included a challenge to institutions such as the Cannes Festival to provide “parity and transparency” in their organisations and safe work spaces, to government to ensure equal pay, and to women in the film industry “to continue to insist that our workplaces are diverse and equitable so that they can best reflect the world in which we actually live”.

Two more films by women screen in competition next week – Nadine Labaki’s Capernaum and
Alice Rohrwacher’s Happy as Lazzaro – but women are much more strongly represented in other
festival sections and sidebars.

There are also notably more films by men with female protagonists or credible female characters, ranging from the mahjong salon mistress in Jia Zhang-ke’s competition film, Ash is Purest White, to a middle-aged eco-terrorist in Icelandic director Benedikt Erlingsson’s Woman at War in the parallel Critics’ Week.

Last year, competition jury member Jessica Chastain delivered a stinging criticism of the selection of films she had just watched and judged as collectively presenting a “disturbing” view of women.

“I was surprised by the representation of female characters on film,” she said. "I think if we include more female storytellers, I hope we have more women that I see in my own day-to-day life.

"They just don’t react to the men around them. They have their own point of view."

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