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Posted: 2018-04-27 05:13:09

Updated April 27, 2018 15:39:57

Australia's competition regulator says wholesale gas prices have fallen in the east coast of Australia, but the supply chain still lacks transparency.

To improve transparency, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said it would start publishing liquefied natural gas "netback" prices on its website.

It is essentially the cost difference between selling the gas domestically, versus converting the gas into LNG and exporting it for sale overseas.

This measure was announced in the ACCC's latest report into the gas industry, released today.

The regulator states the price of gas for the east coast gas market — Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia — is influenced by international LNG prices.

"At the moment gas users haven't got enough information to assess how international prices are driving domestic gas prices," ACCC chairman Rod Sims said.

"We believe that publishing LNG netback prices is an important step towards improving gas price transparency to improve the competitive bargaining process."

How are 'netbacks' calculated?

When an LNG producer exports gas, they extract the gas from the wellhead (for example, gas fields in Queensland) and transport it to their processing facility.

They then convert the gas into LNG, load it on to a vessel, then ship it to the overseas destination port.

Each of those steps causes the LNG producer to incur additional costs.

The netback price takes the price received for LNG at the destination port, and subtracts all the costs incurred by the producer to export the gas (including the cost of transporting, processing and shipping).

It represents the price of delivered LNG minus the costs that would be avoided if the gas had remained in Australia for domestic sale.

Gas prices coming down

The ACCC states that, between November and January, large industrial gas users paid $8-$10 per gigajoule (GJ).

While this is a slight reduction from the $8-$12/GJ price tag between June and November 2017, it is a significant improvement over the peak of over $20/GJ (from early-2017).

Back in April last year, the Federal Government directed the ACCC to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the supply and demand of the nation's wholesale gas from 2017-2020.

Gas producers had been exporting high volumes of LNG overseas, which sharply reduced gas supply in Australia, leading to rapid price increases.

Several months later, in September, the ACCC and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) warned the east coast of Australia would face a gas shortfall in the first half of 2018 if gas producers failed to boost supply.

This led to the Government threatening to impose export restrictions on gas producers to make sure domestic consumers had priority over international markets.

Gas companies Santos, Shell and Origin struck a deal with the Government, and agreed to boost domestic supply days later.

At the time, Mr Sims told AM that the gas supply shortage had "a catastrophic effect on the Australian economy", causing prices to double, triple or even quadruple for some businesses and consumers.

"And it meant that some companies just could not get gas, there just wasn't enough gas," he said.

Topics: business-economics-and-finance, electricity-energy-and-utilities, energy, oil-and-gas, regulation, australia

First posted April 27, 2018 15:13:09

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