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Posted: 2018-04-26 21:54:24

Updated April 27, 2018 09:05:55

With thousands of new hotel rooms planned and the Tasmanian Government pushing to make the state the "world destination for eco-tourism", some are worried the island will not cope with the level of attention.

More than a billion dollars has been earmarked to be invested in hotel developments in Tasmania, with a series of new projects expected to add more than 4,000 additional rooms to the state.

The Tourism Industry Council describes the level of investment as "unprecedented", but some are asking if the number of visitors is posing a threat to the state.

This week's announcement of a $100 million resort plan on the east coast is the latest in a long line of development proposals.

Professor in Cultural and Heritage Tourism at the University of Tasmania, Can Seng Ooi, said it was a significant time for the local industry.

"We are talking about double digit growth and we don't usually see that in many destinations," he said.

"This is really quite exciting for Tasmania, in the global context, as well as historically."

Last year saw a 12 per cent increase in visitation to Tasmania, up 8 per cent with 1.28 million people visiting the state.

Luke Martin from the Tourism Industry Council said the development proposals represented a "significant catch-up" for the sector.

"Hobart and Tasmania really have been under-invested in tourism for a long time," he said.

"If you take a long-term view, visitor numbers in the state have grown about 150 per cent since the turn of the century and obviously investment hasn't kept pace with that."

Mr Martin said he was expecting the number of visitors to continue to grow at a rate of about 5 per cent per annum for 10 years.

"That's going to put some pressure on some of our key destinations and nodes, but it's also going to create some exciting opportunities," he said.

Mr Martin said pressure points could be dealt with by ensuring proper investment in visitor infrastructure.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Office of the Coordinator General said an estimated $1.07 billion in total investment was earmarked for Tasmania's "hotel pipeline projects across the state, as of April 2018".

"These projects will contribute an additional 4,182 hotel rooms around the state to cater for Tasmania's growing accommodation demand," the spokesman said.

The Government said "key proposed developments" include: 

NameLocation 1RegionStatusRoomsValue ($m)
Silo Hotel Project – Errol StewartLauncestonNorthUnder construction10820
Devonport Council CBD WaterfrontDevonportNorth WestLikely to proceed17540
Kangaroo Bay – Shandong Chambroad*Greater HobartSouthLikely to proceed10045
Remarkable Lodge*Port ArthurSouthLikely to proceed2020
Hyatt Centric - Fragrance Group*HobartSouthUnder construction19640
Icon Complex (Crowne Plaza)HobartSouthUnder construction278100
Parliament Square – Citta Group (Marriot Luxury Collection)HobartSouthUnder construction12850

Has Tasmania reached peak tourism?

The tourism sector is providing an economic boon for the state, injecting $2.3 billion into the economy.

But the growth of the industry is worrying some locals, with a forum at the University of Tasmania in Hobart on Thursday debating the question "has Tasmania reached peak tourism?".

Several people attending the forum raised concerns that the increasing number of visitors was threatening the state's national parks and environment along with the local lifestyle.

"I think it's something that happens to every tourism destination around the world," Dr Anne Hardy from UTAS said.

"We've been through rapid growth, people are changing and adapting and I think it's a typical response from communities when they're going through change.

"We need to understand who are the people who are really being impacted by tourism and what infrastructure can we put in to alleviate that stress they might be feeling."

Dr Hardy said it was "fantastic" that the discussion was occurring and that the Tasmanian Government was "to some extent" listening, but she said more consultation was needed.

She said the state had reached peak tourism in some areas, such as Coles Bay.

"We can adjust, we can change and deal with that peak, but in some areas I think we really need to work quickly to deal with a peak that seems to be occurring," Dr Hardy said.

Growth 'must be managed'

Professor Ooi believes the current rate of growth is sustainable if it is well managed and planned for.

"We have to be very careful with tourism growth, it's something that has to be managed," he explained.

"We do not want to have over-tourism, we do not want to have overcrowding, we do not want to have insensitive development.

"At this moment [the state] is doing very well and I think we're ready to move to the next level of development and that requires a new round of consultation and to rethink the tourism strategy."

The Tourism Industry Council agreed that a focus on managing the industry's growth is essential.

"We need to plan for investment and growth that is really keeping with Tasmania's brand and as an industry that's why we've taken a strong stance on things like high rise hotels, it's not what Hobart is about," Mr Martin said.

The types of tourism developments being considered have been the subject of debate, especially when it comes to projects in the state's wilderness areas.

'Enormous opportunities' await

While a number of proposals are being touted, there also came a warning that not all of them would eventuate.

Some plans, like the Mussleroe Bay eco-resort or the South Arm golf course, have been met with much fanfare, but are yet to significantly progress.

"We've got to be really careful, be mindful - let's not hang on to these large scale projects," Luke Martin said.

"When you look at Tasmania, these type of developments are very rare, they're very hard to get off the ground.

"In the meantime, there's enormous opportunity for other developers at all ends of the scale."

Topics: tourism, conservation, government-and-politics, laws, environmental-management, environmental-policy, environment, tas

First posted April 27, 2018 07:54:24

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