Almost a fortnight after announcing a financial incentive scheme aimed at curbing the housing crisis, Tasmania's Housing Minister isn't saying whether anyone has signed up to the program, or what the eligibility criteria is.
The pilot scheme is supposed to start in May.
Roger Jaensch announced the incentive package to match low-income households with suitable, affordable accommodation while providing landlords with between $10,000 and $13,000.
Since then, Mr Jaensch has said more than 50 property owners had expressed interest in the scheme.
But with the pilot program due to start next month, Mr Jaensch would not say whether any of those people have actually been accepted into the scheme.
"There is interest out there," Mr Jaensch said.
"We believe that not all of them will necessarily meet the criteria. We may have to go and find some more people."
The eligibility criteria for the scheme has not been released, with Mr Jaensch saying that property owners on the "list" will see the criteria next month, and it will also be released publicly.
Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) CEO Mark Berry said the scheme could work but that landlords needed to see the eligibility criteria.
"I think it is a little bit strange, we are literally two weeks on," Mr Berry said.
"To not be able to provide the criteria at the moment is a little bit strange, perhaps it hasn't been signed off on yet.
"I think the landlords out there that may be interested in this potentially won't show any interest until they know the full facts of what this incentive program is going to be."
Labor spokesman Josh Willie said it was clear the scheme was policy on the run.
"The Tasmanian public should know by now what the eligibility requirements are," Mr Willie said.
"We're talking about $1.6 million of taxpayers' money that's about to be spent and we deserve to know the details."
Mr Jaensch has announced the Tasmanian Government would spend $45,000 on the first stage of an advertising campaign spruiking its housing initiatives.
An "awareness campaign" will run across print, radio and social media in a bid to inform Tasmanians of the services, emergency accommodation and incentives available during the housing shortage.
Mr Jaensch said the initial phase of the campaign would take three weeks and include a new website acting as a "one-stop shop" for people wanting housing assistance.
Labor's Josh Willie said the campaign was nothing more than taxpayer-funded "Liberal propaganda".
"This announcement is an insult to Tasmanians caught in the housing crisis," Mr Willie said.
"This is $45,000 of taxpayers' money. It could be better spent on immediately assisting people who are homeless, who are suffering from the housing crisis.
"A Liberal propaganda campaign will not help those people."
Topics: housing, housing-industry, government-and-politics, hobart-7000