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Posted: 2018-04-23 13:41:31

Posted April 23, 2018 23:41:31

Has the idea of Australia as the land of the fair go simply become folk lore, or do we really live in an egalitarian society?

That was the focus of a Q&A panel on Monday night, and a discussion of class in Australia took no time in addressing those on opposite sides of the royal banking commission.

The first question off the rank asked how a government could be for the people, by the people as opposed to a government for the banks, by the banks.

Panellist Fiona Nash was the first to conceded she was wrong in not supporting calls for a banking royal commission during her time as a Nationals senator.

"I'm the first to say I was in government at the time and I think we got it wrong, we absolutely got it wrong.

"We should have done it sooner … We make mistakes from time to time and do change our views."

"The Australian people want to see things be fair."

Ms Nash admitted the inquiry was very significant for the people of Australia, who still carry the ideal of a fair go and "don't like seeing big guys mistreating little guys".

Is the banks' behaviour a class issue?

Social researcher Jill Sheppard says there probably is a class aspect to the hatred of banks that has emerged in the revelations of the royal commission.

"The four pillars policy doesn't seem to be working," Ms Sheppard said.

"There are fundamental problems with the regulation here. There's fundamental problems as well, though, with government's response to this. The four pillars policy has made them very sluggish.

"They're not exposed to the market forces a lot of other industries are in Australia and elsewhere."

John Roskam, executive director of the Institute for Public Affairs, alluded that the banks' misconduct was allowed to go on for so long because they were held above the law.

Mr Roskam said the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) — the banking watchdog — failed to enforce the law on the banks.

"You can have all the laws you want against unlawful behaviour but if from the very top of the board there is not a culture of respect for customers and clients, we are going to get this sort of problem.

"We all have a share in it. The bank sector is important to the success of the Australian economy."

The political class

Mr Roskam said a political class in Australia, largely made up of baby boomers, have enjoyed the benefits of the system to the detriment of the next generation.

"The home ownership rate in Australia is now the lowest it's been in six decades.

"The combination of the capital gains tax discount and negative gearing, unique to Australia, means that we were providing more taxpayer-funded assistance to someone buying their seventh house than to someone their first house. We've got to reign that in.

"There are tax loopholes that are disproportionately helping people. We have to make the tough decisions to close loopholes."

Occupation, income, postcode: What drives the class divide?

Traditionally, class has been thought to have been defined by a person's occupation — whether someone is blue collar of white collar.

But Ms Sheppard says there are many different dimensions to class, beyond occupation, income, and postcode.

"In the research we've done we found there is a genuine precarious class, a class who are really struggling [that] we might call the working poor or battlers.

"Then we have an emerging group of workers who are more skilled than their parents, who aren't making great money yet and are going to be OK in the new kinds of economy we see in Australia and other similar countries.

"Then we have your middle classes; one is a bit younger than the other.

"And then an entrenched affluent group that are always going to be OK and they've got your fancier accents and they've got champagne tastes on a champagne budget."

Panellist admits her own privilege

Amid discussion of the idea that those in the lower classes simply need to work harder to move up the echelons of society, author, broadcaster and social analyst Rebecca Huntley said the equation of success to hard work needs to be attacked.

Ms Huntly pointed to herself as someone who did not necessarily work harder than anyone else to find a level of success in life, saying she was a product of a privileged environment.

"I'm on this panel, some people might describe me as some kind of level of success," Ms Huntly said.

"I've worked hard but I'm mainly here because my parents had money, because I live in Australia, because I got a good education which was not entirely about my hard work and talent.

"There are plenty of people out there smarter than me that didn't have my opportunities that will not be successful.

"I got a massive step up because of what I was born in to and not how hard I worked. I think it's really important to recognise."

Catch up on the latest Q&A program on ABC iview.

Topics: government-and-politics, community-and-society, banking, royal-commissions, law-crime-and-justice, australia

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